Chapter 2

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I stuffed my worn down phone charger into the zipper compartment of the small pink carry on that was currently sprawled out on my bed. I had finally finished packing everything I would possibly need for my stay with Mr. Pierce.

Contrary to the rest of the suitcases already awaiting for me downstairs, which were filled to the brim with clothes and shoes, this smaller bag held my most essential items.

Despite haven't been away from home for more than a few hours at a time, apart from the occasional sleepovers at Emily's house, I had made sure to pack everything a girl would need for an extended stay away from home. Surely my phone would be my most sacred possession and my lifeline during my time away.

I held my precious iPhone close to my chest, making sure I had a good eye on it, as though it would disappear at any moment.

I was deep in thought about what else I could've possibly forgotten to pack when I was interrupted by a few quick knocks on my bedroom door.

"Come in" I spoke expectantly, before the door was softly opened and miss Rosa's head popped inside.

"Penny, dear!" She greeted "I thought I would bring you a quick breakfast before your departure." She said, while stepping into my bedroom with a tray filled with mouthwatering French toast topped with fresh berries and whipped cream. My favorite!

"Mr. Rodriguez has dismissed me for the day, Cariño. I'll be on my way as soon as I'm done saying my goodbyes" she said with a small smile.

Despite the sadness in her voice, miss Rosa has been ecstatic about being able to take the next few months off. The weekend had been filled with conversation on Rosa's plans to see her kids and grandchildren. Her kids have all married and relocated to the other side of the country to California and since miss Rosa has been busy working for my father, it's been difficult for her to find the time to fly out to visit them for some proper family time.

I took the tray from miss Rosa's hands and set it down on my vanity before turning to her again. "Thank you so much Rosa!" I thanked her before enveloping her in a tight hug. "Please be safe on your trip. I'm going to miss you so much!" I exclaimed.

Miss Rosa has been a part of the Rodriguez family for a very long time. She has fulfilled the role of a mother that I have desperately needed after my own was taken away from me. Years of having to deal with father had resulted in many arguments due to disagreements on a lot of things, but miss Rosa has always been there to neutralize the turmoil between us. Miss Rosa was like a second mother to me and I have no idea what I would ever do without her.

She quickly reciprocated the hug, rubbing her tender hand in a soothing circular motion on my back. The gesture instantly melted away the tension that I was unaware I was holding onto.

"I will miss you too, my sweet Penelope" she cooed. "But you know you have my number if anything comes up. You can still call me if you need anything at all!" She reminded me as she pointed towards the phone that was still clutched in my hand.

"Of course not miss Rosa!" I exclaimed "this is your time to be with family, not to be worrying about me. I'll be fine!!!" I reassured her.

"Oh, that's nonsense. You ARE my family!" She exclaimed.

"You call whenever you need me!" She scowled playfully "Now come, dear" she said, guiding me back towards my vanity. "Let me do your hair before you leave!" She pointed at the terribly made bun at the top of my head that had been messed up while I was trying to finish packing the last of my stuff.

I happily sat down on the plush seat in front of the mirror. Miss Rosa was quick to start to work on my frizzy locks as I eagerly stuffed a forkful of French toast into my mouth.

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