Chapter 2: Those Eyes

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'When we're done making love and you look up and give me those eyes; all of the small things that you do, remind me why I fell for you...'

- New West

"Don't mind her, she's a... uh, not in her element right now," Miguel took the honors of clearing that up following Irish's abrupt exit from the room. The two men managed to pass him a forced smile, and feeling the evident drag on the conversation, the biker got up.

"Well, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I really should check up on her... Just in case."

With that being said, Miguel physically had to refrain himself from saying anything else as his departure followed soon after. 

Max Versatppen

I could feel Checo's questioning eyes over me. I thought I had managed to dodge the very obvious set of questions that hung heavy in the air. "So are you gonna-" "Nope." I cut him off, pursing my lips as I did, apparently unprepared to go down the memory lane, to live the past I found euphoric to this day. He nodded in an understanding manner as the two of us stood up with our notepads in one hand (which were practically empty) and our our jackets in the other.

Checo resolved to take a detour on his way back, leaving me and my thoughts, my thoughts of her, alone in the elevator. And with nothing to distract me from the mendacious look in those heavenly eyes of hers, I couldn't help but succumb to the temptation and let my mind travel back to the thoughts of her. 

Age 13, The first meet

Everybody hated school to an extent, even the nerds (though they would never admit to the fact); and so, it should've been delightful to the student population that class had been cancelled as a result of the raging storm that hovered up above. Well, as it turns out, most of the kids (and their parents) were sensible enough to stay home following news of the raging thunderstorm and the very, very obvious dark clouds. 

We met for the first time that day. 

I remember being nearly drench as my umbrella was preoccupied in the task of keeping my backpack and textbooks dry, and there she was, over prepared as always, with an umbrella in one hand, a rain cover over her entire frame and neon green gum boots. 

(I reckon she carried an extra umbrella somewhere.) 

"We're the dumb lot aren't we?" she stated the obvious, inviting herself to sit next to me on the steps. "Think of it, not even the teachers showed up..." I had obviously seen her before. She was the cool kid, and seventh grade had a whole bunch of raging wannabes and potential rock stars, the usual goths and paramore fans. But she, she was different. She was a natural, or perhaps just too good at pretending. I'd seen her ride her bike around dirt trails with her dad, and I guessed it was my own screwed relations with my dad that drafted my initial distrust and aversion towards her. Crazy what jealousy could so to a kid. 

We had never spoken before, but she had been around for long. 

She supposedly noticed my disinterest in the conversation (and her presence, as she loved to remind me in the latter years of our friendship) or maybe my introverted demeanor threw her off, but she laid off the questions after receiving my silence as a response to her frail attempts at initiating a conversation. 

"I'm Irish..." she had said out of the blue, and the only response my dense, thirteen year old brain could come up with was, "I'm Dutch." 

Quite the charmer, wasn't I? I do faintly recall that my words had managed to get a tugging smile at the corners of her mouth, a smile which; very subtly, did spread to my own lips. Everything about her had always been contagious after all. We waited in silence, together, following the failure of our previously attempted conversations. When my mum did come to fetch me, she stood up and said, "My name is Irish, Parker." The girl always had weird pauses and spacing in her sentences. Ignoring my blank stare she skipped to the bottom step and I soon followed suit. 

She was engaged in a conversation with my mum, "We can drop you off honey..." 

"Thank you but, I'm sure I can walk back... I'm only a couple blocks away." My mother had raised and eyebrow in speculation. "I'm sure. All my armor should be enough." She chuckled with a detectable charm and turned to walk away, but not before sparing me a final glance. 

"Besides, I was only keeping Max company." 

She never took the bus home. She was always the last one to leave school, even on the days when my folks were seriously late to pick me up. And yet the only sane thought in my mind at that moment was that, she knew my name. 

"Mate you really should stop smiling like that while you're alone in an elevator. It's extremely troubling for the eyes." I was jerked out of my trance by a voice I recognized well. The elevator had stopped on a floor which clearly wasn't mine and on the other side of the door stood Lando, backpack hanging over his shoulder, a pair of tinted glasses rested low on his nose bridge as he looked at me with a half pleased, half concerned and somewhat disturbed expression. 

"L-Lando," I greeted him as he walked in, "Sorry mate, I uh I didn't see you there. I was a bit-" "Preoccupied?" he finished for me, pressing the button to his floor. "Who got you smiling like that man? Haven't seen you this..." he dragged out the syllable, trying to find the correct word, "...content in like ages." 

The sunshine backdrop of my nostalgia was soon corrupted with clouds of senseless thoughts of what could have been's and the questionably tragic reality as I snapped back to the present and to what lay in front of me in that instant. I took a moment for recollection to come up with a coherent response, hoping that I would be fast enough to not let my act of normalcy crumble. And I resolved to put up a smile and pat the man on his shoulder, "Just adult stuff Norris. It's probably too much for little Lando." 

As we toppled over in laughter I turned a blind eye to the string of complaints and curses that the man directed my way. I seemed pleased that my devious smile had once again managed to defy the incompetence of my true feelings and emotions. 


Shay's note

I am pleased with how this chapter turned out. for once I wrote it down on a piece of paper before sitting down to type it XD

So, this was an insightful look into the past and there'd be loads more coming as we proceed further into the story!!! The actual interactions would start in a couple chapters once I've established the base and background properly 'cause once again, I genuinely have no clue what I'm writing at the moment TT

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'm open to suggestions, corrections and ideas!!!!

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