Part 3: The Casting Of Spells

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Nova started teaching Gaia magic and then... Evil witches and wizards appeared, Nova knew as she felt the bad aura, she then said "Gaia! We need to use your skills now! We don't have time to learn more!" Gaia just looks at Nova, surpised, Nova pulls Gaia outside and they both see a red and black glow out of the sky and then a witch lands on the ground, she laughs maniacally "Haha! Are you two here to stop me?" Nova then says "Yes. We are actually!" The evil witch says "Oh really? Haha! I'd like to see you try!" Nova then does a fireball spell on the evil witch and then says "Gaia! Do it now!" Gaia then casts a freezing spell and the witch says "Haha! That barely hurt!" Then the evil witch does a strong fireball spell on Gaia and she almost dies but Nova does a spell where she can make Gaia alive but it costs her own life... she decides To do it, Gaia looks furious at the evil witch and then she says "She was my only friend!!" Her eyes begin glowing yellow, her hair goes up into the sky and she gets wings on her back like a goddess, the evil witch then looks surpised and says "It's true... oh no!" Gaia then uses light powers on the evil witch to kill her, the evil witch slowly dies and then Gaia walks over to her body as the evil witch slowly dies and says "You deserve this..." the evil witch then weakly says "No... you can't stop me this easily!!" The evil witch then dies. Gaia was still furious at the evil witch. But she tried to forget about it but... she couldn't but she knew that Nova was proud of her and was watching her from above. The End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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