Chloe Kitts - live

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Chloe and I were doing a live she was sitting on my lap and I had my head in her neck. She was talking to the viewers and I started placing kisses on her neck she began moving around cause it turned her on and she was brushing her fingers through my hair. I was just admiring her in the camera which multiple fans pointed out.

after a while we decided we would bake cookies so we had to go into the kitchen we found the recipe online and I stood behind her with my arms around her waist. She was wearing some shorts and one of my hoodies and I was wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt. on the live, we had the fans ask questions.

"how long have you guys been dating."

" two years."

"favorite things about each other?"

"my favorite thing about chlo is her eyes."

"my favorite thing about y/n is her hands."

"Baby keep it pg."

"What sport does y/n play?"

"I play softball."

"she's really good guys."

"thank you, Bubba."

after we finished making cookies we went into our bedroom and we said goodbye to the live so we could start getting ready for bed.

I took a shower and Chloe waited in the bedroom so we could do our skincare together, I walked out in a bra and sweatpants and my abs, which Chloe loves, were on full display.

we did our skin care and I brushed Chloe's hair for her cause she said it's better when I do it. we got in bed and cuddled while watching TV before falling asleep

sorry i haven't updated I've got more updates coming soon

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