☆ chapter 3 ☆

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"So, did you find out anything?"
He was given an impatient look. Everyone knew what was at stake for them.

They lived in a small town; the fact that the Moons' café had been sold and a new face had appeared in the village had spread like wildfire. But the rumours about this person had spread even faster.
"Is it true what they say? Is she one of them?"

Everyone held their breath, but he calmly got himself a glass of water, from which he drank with relish before dropping onto the sofa and running his fingers through his blond-greyish hair.
"I don't know. But ..." He paused briefly and meaningfully before lowering his head dejectedly and continuing in a gravelly voice. "She seems to be fixing up the café. I guess we'll have a chance to find out soon. If we still have the chance by then."

He didn't need to explain his remark. Everyone present knew what was meant.
If the rumours were true, finding a new home was the least of their problems.

Hyun Soyoung

Soyoung had finally put all her stuff away into the cupboards and was able to throw the last empty box into the corner with the rest. Exhausted, she grabbed a yoghurt from the fridge and made her way into the living room. Once there, she let her gaze wander round the room; it still looked quite bare. As soon as there was enough time, she would probably have to get a few more decorative items.

Sighing, the black-haired woman opened the glass balcony door, which slid aside with a soft squeak. As soon as she stepped onto the small terrace, a light but warm breeze blew through her hair. Bordering the terrace was a not particularly small, but still manageable garden, the rear part of which merged seamlessly into the forest that surrounded one half of the small village.
Smiling, the young woman sat down at the edge of the terrace and leant back a little with her eyes closed. She could sit there forever and just enjoy the sun. She briefly thought back to her childhood; even then she had preferred to sit outside and enjoy nature and the sun rather than play around with the other children.

A rustling noise snapped her out of her thoughts and alarmed, she sat up and opened her eyes. Forgotten was the yoghurt that stood unnoticed next to her and the pleasantly warming sun.
Orange eyes gazed back at her in her mind and, without her being able to do anything about it, her heartbeat accelerated. Apparently, the events of yesterday had still not been processed, let alone forgotten.
Soyoung looked around the small garden attentively. And sure enough, she could see movement in the wild bushes to her left. Gathering her courage, she stood up and walked slowly towards the plants. A soft whimper was heard and before she could take another step forwards, a small black ball shot out.

She recoiled in surprise, only to realise that the terrifying, snarling thing was a small, helpless kitten. The little creature staggered awkwardly towards her and began to mew in high-pitched tones. Her heartbeat calmed down again, she bent down and carefully picked up the trembling bundle.
"Well, who are you, little one?" She looked questioningly at the kitten but got nothing more than a high-pitched squeak in reply. She scrutinised her find thoughtfully. The little thing couldn't be more than a few weeks old, but it didn't look as if it had run away from a good home. "Do you belong to someone? What are you doing out here on your own?"

Not expecting another answer, Soyoung decided that she would look after the little cat for now. She could always go to the vet in the neighbouring village later and find out whether she was missed by an owner. But until then, she would stay here for the time being.
Going inside, she carefully placed the kitten on one of the cushions on her sofa. She would have to find something to feed the poor thing. After a few minutes of searching, she indeed did find something appropriate and as soon as she had placed it in a small bowl in front of the ball of fur, it began to munch on it. "You haven't had anything to eat for a while, have you? I'm starting to get the feeling that you haven't run away from home, but don't have any at all."

Again, she got no answer apart from a soft purr and as she began to stroke the pitch-black fur with slow movements, she made up her mind to keep and raise her foundling. The young woman had always been a fan of cats, but until now she had never actually been able to own one. Perhaps that would change now.
Determined, Soyoung got up and went in search of her car keys. She would drive to the vet right now. She couldn't bear it if she fell in love with the little girl now and later realised that an owner was waiting for her somewhere to reclaim her. Even if it was probably already too late for the falling in love part.

"Welcome to your new home!"
She happily placed her new addition to the family on the floor in the living room. Soyoung proudly presented her new protégé with what she had purchased for her. After the vet had confirmed to her that the little one really didn't have a home and had assured her that he didn't know of any offspring in the neighbouring villages, she hadn't hesitated for long and officially adopted the kitten. She also went straight to the pet shop to get everything she needed as a new cat mum.
Smiling happily, she sat down next to the curious stray and began to stroke its velvety fur, lost in thought. "Now you just need a name." She scrutinised her kitten thoughtfully.

The little one had silky, shiny fur that was softer than anything Soyoung had ever felt before. She was pitch black, as were her eyes, which had a mysterious glint in them. In the dark, she would be easy to miss if it weren't for the few exceptions. Both her paws and the tip of her tail were not black, but snow-white. The contrast, together with the mischievous twinkle in her eyes, gave the young kitten a cheeky expression.
But the most striking thing was something else. There was also something white on her forehead, right in the centre; but not just a random spot, no. A small crescent moon shone between her eyes and Soyoung immediately thought of her café. "This is it! I'm sure you'll like it in my café, you've already got the right tattoo!"

Laughing, she stroked the discoloured fur. "How about moon?" The vibrating ball of fur immediately looked up at her and she lost herself in the sparkle in its big eyes. "You're right, I don't really mean moon, just the meaning." Satisfied, she began to purr again and nestled her head in her saviour's hand.
"Welcome home, Hyun Dal!"

moonlight shadows ☆ stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now