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The standardized test finally arrived. Locked away in the teachers lounge, Principal Grey and Dean Gregory stood against the wall as she worked through the booklet marking her desired choice on the scantron before turning the page. After this test she would head back to Kelley's flat, load the single duffle bag with all the clothes she owned before driving to the airport, red eye throughout the night. It was weird to miss the rest of the season with the girls- same girls she's been playing with since her mother enrolled her in the sport all those years ago.

The room smelt of weeks old fruit and the constant buzzing of fruit flies were enough to drive her up the wall. As the forty five minute mark approach she bubbled in the last answer.  Raising a shaky hand as Principal Grey shifted from his spot pressed flat against the teacher's lounge door. Stalking through the overly bright room, the dull hum of the refrigerator placing a heavy hand on top of the closed booklet. Gold wedding band shining under the harsh overhead. LED supposedly the next big thing- energy saver, easy on the wallet. All a lie. 

"You are free to go. You will receive your results in a few weeks time. Also after your results are published we will go about shipping your diploma." 

"Yes sir, Thank you. I will update my addressee closer to the date." He nodded pushing open the door.

"Now get out of here. You technically aren't allowed on campus after this point." I nod moving through the opened door. Thanking him once more before walking through the front door, half way jogging around the building key in hand as I make my way across the parking lot. Having just under 5 hours before the plane departs didn't leave a lot of wiggle room. 

Throwing the car into reverse, tearing out of the parking like a bat out of hell. It would be a hard fit to get everything packed and catch the uber to the airport. Kelley stated she would take care of her car, I didn't really care what happened to it after I leave. There was always the what ifs hanging in the back of her mind 'what if she got there and they decided she wasn't the fit they were looking for.' What would happen then? Having banked everything on getting the opportunity. 

Weaving throughout I-95 keeping a keen eye out for her exit. Pulling through the busy streets navigating to her parking spot right outside Kelley's door. Unlocking the door and pulling it open. Removing her now clean clothes from the dryer, hastily folding them before tossing them into the US branded suitcase. Dragging the bag to the front, moving through the kitchen seamlessly. Tossing away every perishable in the fridge and pantry. Giving the kitchen a light scrub down before the alarm sounded from its spot on the coffee table hooked up to the charging cable. 

Grabbing the device and cord in one motion, tossing the cable in to the school bag filled with all of her documents and passport. Snagging her keys from the hook behind the door, slinging the backpack over her shoulders, rolling the bag behind her as she locks up. Leaving her car key in the kitchen door, shotting the text to Kelley where to find it before calling an uber. The ride to the Atlanta airport was a short one in theory. The traffic almost tripling the drive time. 

Sitting on the curb watching as the car she ordered moving on the highlighted path towards her the ETA updating minutely. The grey Toyota Corolla pulls around the corner, The illuminated uber sign lights up the front window. Rolling down the passenger window "Uber for Demarcus?" Nodding as the trunk pops. Loading the rolling bag into the deep trunk. Clambering into the back seat pulling her phone from her pocket. The driver moving through the thick traffic. 

Pulling around to the drop off point thanking the driver handing him a couple bills. Exiting the backdoor pulling suitcase from the trunk before heading through the automated double doors. Checking in and getting her ticket, sending her bag to the underside of the plane. Walking through the airport with a little over an hour to spare. Wandering through the concourses ate up forty five minutes of the hour. Taking her place in a long line of chairs, pulling up the email once more. Beth Mead would meet her once she landed in Heathrow, who would then drive her to the hotel they had booked for her. She would have to find a way to the stadium each day for training but that was the last of her worries. 

The plane started to board, Waiting around for her section to be announced. Slinging the backpack into the overhead compartment, taking a screen shot of the email so she could review it while enroute.  Everything she had seen a millions times before displayed on the illuminated screen, the itinerary, her boarding details, contract possibilities, everything she needed to know was already listed in size twelve font. As the digital plan moved closer and closer to Europe the nerves grew filling the void of her stomach, wrapping up her spine, seeping through her brain- infiltrating every thought. 

Leg bouncing restlessly, the elder lady next to me reaching over with an open palm, heavy handed on top of my shaking knee. "If you keep moving you are going to combust." Thin grey hair reached her shoulder, purple glasses clipped onto a brown librarian chain. 

Nodding embarrassingly. Cheeks turning a deep red as my left hand reaches to tangle into unruly fly aways. Twisting restlessly, pulling a few hairs from their follicles. The lady returned to her book, left hand lifting from the covered thigh. I pull my attention to the opened camera roll. Skimming through and deleting duplicates. Filling the time by shutting my eyes- various scenarios playing out in front of me.   

As the plane touches down a few odd hours later. Standing up- waiting for my row to disembark. Snagging my backpack from its spot in the overhead bin, following the line of people- going through the baggage claim before entering the customs checkpoint. Declaring all that I have and the duration of my stay, truthfully answering his questions before being sent on my way.

Scrambling around, trying to spot Beth amongst the sea of passengers. Everyone trying to fond a loved one while I peer about trying to find the shorter blonde. She comes into sight waving an arm and a cheap poster board. Nodding in acknowledgement as I stalk towards them, rolling bag dragging across the concrete.

This could be my new life. Everything  I've been wanting forever might actually come true. Clambering into the back of the car pulling open my text messages and shooting Tierna a text- Just landed in England. Not even sure why I sent it, I just needed to talk to her. Over the past few weeks I had been keeping everyone in the dark whether about my where abouts or my plans. It was just easier to shut everyone out rather than let one person in. A skill she had picked up from her father.


sorry for the long wait- I wanted to kill myself and then I didn't so you all are getting a chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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