The Other Families

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Warnings: Divorce

The 1st fight- I walk into my mum and dad's room. "What's wrong?" I asked the angry, sobbing mother of two, my mother. "Your dad and I are having a disagreement," she said, cradling my baby sister in her arms. I walked away confused. I bring her towels to dry her eyes and sit with her. I sit with her.

The 2nd fight- I walk into my mum and dad's room. "What's wrong?" I asked the angry, sobbing mother of two, "Your dad and I are fighting" she said, watching my baby sister as she crawled around the bed. I walk away, angry with my dad. I bring her towels to dry her eyes. I comfort her. I sit with her

The 5th fight- I walk into my mum and dad's room. "What's wrong?" I asked the tired, crying mother of two. "Your dad," she says, watching my little sister waddle around happily, oblivious to what's happening. I smile softly and kiss her on the cheek. I walk away. Out of earshot, I cry too.

The 10th fight- I walk into my mum's room, "Again?" I ask the tired mother of two. She nods slowly, listening to my little sister as she chatters away beside her, trying to comfort her. I kiss her on the cheek. That's when the thought crossed my mind. But no, that's for the other families. I walk away.

The 20th fight- I walk towards my mother's room, stopping midway there. "I love you" I shout towards the open door. I hear my baby brother crying, and my sister talking about her school, trying to distract the angry mom of three. The thought crosses my mind again, the other families seeming a bit closer. I walk away.

The 40th fight- I hear loud yelling, echoing in the new house. I hear the small, erratic footsteps of my little sister, running to my Mum's room. I put my headphones in, and ignore it. Later that day, I'm sitting in the car, my nose buried in a book. The thought crosses my mind, looking at my Mum. "Are you and Dad going to divorce" She smiles ruefully. "Yes.". I'm not surprised. I didn't acknowledge the other families before. I've made friends with them now. I keep reading.

Silence- I pull out my headphones, and hear nothing. I walk out of my room, and my dog comes running. My brother is playing quietly in the living room. He's nervous for his first day of preschool. I walk up to him. "Hey, bird." He smiles at me, showing me his new toys. I walk to my sister's room. She's calling her friend, grinning and laughing quietly at some dumb joke. I walk towards her, and she turns to me. "Hey, what are you doing?" She laughs and tells me what her friend said. I walk to my mum's room. She's sitting there, writing an essay for school. "How are you?" I ask her. "Better". She smiles. I smile, back.

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