I'm your friend?

19 3 0

"you're beautiful....y/n"

I turned my face to look at him and saw him smiling like a kid. Ah, he thinks I'm beautiful?

"You think I'm beautiful?" I asked him more like I want to have a little bit of fun so why not let's test him now, i mentally smirked

"Yes, you are." He said with the same smile on his face, doesn't his mouth hurt? Oh well he doesn't feel pain obviously

"Is it really a compliment or you just said it in order to remove the awkward situation between us" I asked him and saw the sudden shift in his expression, the smile face replaced with a tensed expression.

"How did you know, I was just trying to initiate a conversation" he said grinning nervously and i frowned

"You mean I'm not beautiful?" I asked him again this time he straightened his posture and shook his head in denial with moving both of his hands in denial

"No no no, I don't mean that, sorry if my words hurt you in any way. I apologise, you're really beautiful" he said looking down, goshhh why is he so cute who would be angry at him

"Chill, i was just kidding" I said as I felt him come back to his usual smiling Vante mode. And i internally laughed at his behaviour it was fun.

"Hey how about you, tell me about you more"

"I'm so happy that you want to know more about me, I can do anything you want me to do. I can cook, can clean your house, do your homework, take care of your house when you're not home, can protect you " he said with a pause..and started again

"I can draw too, write poems for you, make presentations and whatever you like I can do anything."

He said feeling proud of himself as I looked at him in awe. It feels like a dream.

"It's almost lunch time, you want me to cook for you"
He asked.. i nodded in response and watched him making his way towards my kitchen.

I wonder what he's doing, i sneak peeked at him and saw him cooking, he wore an apron, his sleeves are tucked slightly upwards giving me a good view of his arms, it has blue glowing lines like a human nerves in his humanoid form.

"What are you making?" He stopped whatever he was doing and looked at me, again with his signature smile.

"Wait until i finished cooking" he said going back to his work, i sighed and sat on the small dining table waiting for him

After a few minutes he arrived handling a plate of... Looks like pasta or something to me and sat across me serving the delicious food to me.

"The wait is over, and here arrives your Cheese Macaroni" he said waiting for me to start, i wasn't a big fan of cheese but I'm still gonna taste it anyway I mean I can't waste his efforts besides it's the first time someone ever made food for me

"Are. You. Kidding. Me?" I said my voice muffled as the spoonful of Macaroni stuffed into my mouth, his face dropped, before he could say anything I cut him off

"This is so delicious" i said gulping the tastiest food making my mouth feel like heaven. He smiled and i didn't fail to notice him staring at me until i finished my food

"I'm glad you liked it, I kept thinking what if it doesn't match your taste" he said

"It's literally so delicious, I've never eaten something like this for years I guess" i said before stuffing the spoonful of it in my mouth

"you also need energy right? How do you get it, I mean you need cables or?"

"Don't worry I need to get charged once a day by electricity but it's not always needed as I've power batteries fitted inside me and that's my food if it's what you wanted to know" he smiled to me

I formed my mouth as 'o' before taking the plate and walking towards the sink as I felt someone pulling me behind by my wrist, it's him

"Let me do that" he said before grabbing the plate from my hands "you don't need to do anything from now on, as I'm here you can just chill and leave everything to me y/n" he said with the same smile that can melt anyone's heart

"Okay.." i said as i took my turn towards my bedroom, laying down on my bed, tomorrow is Sunday, should I plan something for tomorrow and also I'm not alone anymore so i should take advantage of it and have fun. And i don't know when i drifted off to sleep.


I woke up looking at the time on my phone 6:39pm, i slept a little too much i said to myself before getting off the bed making my way towards the kitchen to grab something to drink when I notice..my house is looking so clean and organised well it's something new for me as I'm not well organised person. My eyes move towards Vante, holding a vacuum cleaner in his hands, cleaning the living area.

"Vante.." i said as he looked immediately at me with the same grin on his face

"I think it's the first time you've called my name" he said coming closer to me, and stood in front of me

"Ah, yes I think so.. but" I looked at the cleaner he's holding
"You did all this cleaning?.. alone?" I asked pointing at the neatly arranged area of my messy house

"Yes, I did all this, after cleaning the dishes.. I found that you're already asleep, I sensed you must be tired so I did this all"

"You didn't need to... Vante" "you're not my maid" i said and i really meant it. I mean it's not like I'm gonna treat him like a maid just because he's a robot, I wanted a companion a friend not a maid for all my work.

"Oh I apologise if I went overboard. I just wanted to help" he said with a sad expression and looked down at his feet, I smiled at his little behaviours and touched his shoulders

"Don't need to apologise, just please don't do things like this until I told you so, i don't want a worker I want a friend" ... "And you're my friend Vante" he looked at my eyes as soon as I mentioned the word friend.. a smile crept on his face.

"Really? I'm your friend?" He asked like he couldn't believe my words

"Yes, you're my friend"

"Let's decide where you'll stay.. before it's late okay" i said earning a nod from him.

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