blind dates 3

48 1 0

Cam-"we gonna switch it up and actually put y'all on a date"

Y-"im hungry'

Zay-"me too"

Bella-"I told u they want food"

Y-"were was we going'

Bella-"my first option was the movies or Dave's"

Zay-"I want Dave's'

Y-"me too"

Cam-"alright then"

They laughed

Cam-"y'all can get out we not driving my car"

Zay-"thank god"

They got out Zay went to yns side her jaw dropped looking up at him he laughed

Y-"oh my god your a monster"

Zay-"I'm not a monster"

Y-"u are"

Zay-"I'm not your so cute"

Y-"I am not cute cute is for little people"

Zay-"u are little"

She punched his stomach

Zay-*u damn sure can throw a punch"

He held his stomach she flipped her hair they laughed

Zay-"u drive"

She nodded and pointed to her dodge charger

Zay-"u got good taste'

Y-"and I have a Cadillac it was my brother's"

Zay-"I'm sorry for your loss"

Y-"it's ok I got my get back"

He smiled

Cam-"u are kinky"

Zay-"no I'm not"

Lewis-"where your car at Zay"

Zay-"I parked in the garage"

Cam-"Zay Zay is rich he has 2 cars"

Zay-"the other one is in the shop I don't have time to fix it"


Bella-"we know your hungry"

They laughed cam opened the garage Zay pulled his matte black Lambo out the garage yn smiled hard

Y-"it's matte black"

She said pulling on bella

Bella-"I see yn"

Zay got back out with a lollipop

Y-"can I have a lollipop"

He opened the door and got her a strawberry one

Y-"tank yous"

Zay-"your welcome"

She struggled to open it Zay took it from her she put her head down they laughed he opened it yn looked up and opened hee mouth he put it in her mouth

Y-"tank yous"

Zay-"your welcome"

Y-"u race"

Zay-"sometimes you"

Yn smiled

Bella-"omg please don't get her started"

Zay smiled


Cam-"she's a multi trick pony'

Y-"nahhh I for fun"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now