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Moon: where we are? She got up with a stong pain in her head black black she yelled jisoo unnie are you there? They were kept in a dark room but to the surprise they were not tired there was no bodyguard or the door of the room was also opened like a open invitation to run

Black: moon are you here? She wake up because of rose voice where we are? And where are our men?

Moon: I don't know but we have to find lisa and jennie unnie they are in danger she said panicking and jisoo nodded and next moment they left the room with so many wounds on their bodies as the guards torcher them when they were unconscious and the pain in their head because of the druggy smoke was also not helping them but somehow they reached back of the building

Jisoo: dark dark are you here baby? Sky sky are you guys here? She shouted in the creepy building why there is no bodyguard she said to herself

Sky: black and moon we are here they reached from where the voice was coming and found brutally wounded jennie and lisa was shot twice, once in the thigh and once in the chest, and they were shocked so see their maknae like this

Black: omg what happened to her and how she asked almost shouted because of anxiety

Sky: I will tell you but first we have to leave this building there are bombs set in the whole building and it is going to explode any time we have to leave she said while trying to get up as she was having no force and energy because of severe injuries so jisoo hold lisa to support her and rose hold jennie and they left the building and to there surprise there were men outside the building not many only about 8-10 but enough to stop them in the building to execute their plan if they were In their right position they would have killed these 10 people in less than 5 minutes but now situations are different in this condition they are not even able to kill one person each

Black: wtf now what to do?

Moon: I don't know black our men and hackers are dead our backup team has lost the track sky and dark are fainted and need to treated asap we don't have our phones or lockets so that oppas will trace us now what to do i don't have energy to fight she almost cried at their helpless situation but held her tears back

Black: I am in the similar situation but more than us I am concerned for them she pointed towards her fainted sisters well till this time they were not facing the men as they were facing their backs lets go out without any sound she said and rose nodded

Man: so eager to leave baby girl he said while facing them with a smirk

Black: fuck she cursed under her breath we will not be able to beat even one of them

Moon: please let us go our sister need treatment she begged for the first time in her life making jisoo more helpless as this was the last thing she wants to witness on earth

Man: not so soon baby girl you all are going to die and we will enjoy the show I thought you are strong but look at you pity on you why did you even join mafia world you are so called mafia queens who can't even handle little torture so fragile he said with a grine on his face and by this time ofcourse bp were not having any mask on her faces because of fighting

Moon: only if we were in condition to fight then you have seen hell

Man: but baby girl you are in no condition to fight and the thing is you two can't even handle one of us and we are 10 tch tch so pitiful

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