3. Liver alone

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The next day, early in the morning, Melinda was at school at her locker, being one of the first that managed to avoid the news reporters outside in the school yard.

The other students weren't so lucky to avoid the vultures outside, and now they were stuck answering questions, but most of them seemed to like being asked questions by the reporters,

Five seconds of fame or something like that. Melinda was planning on avoiding the vultures for as long as she could.

Especially one special vulture. Gale Weathers. She was always poking her nose where it didn't belong, and Melinda hated it.

Besides the obvious fact that Gale did a report on the school's cheer squad and she had nothing but horrible things to say.

Gale was on her list, and Melinda couldn't wait till she killed her. She couldn't wait to feel her blood on her hands and watch as her life drained from her eyes.

"..you have that look in your eyes, again." A voice whispered in her ear, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She turned her head, and her eyes met Stu's.

Stu grinned at her, leaning his back against the lockers, "I barely escaped those vultures," he let out a laugh

"Randy didn't, though."

Melinda closed her locker, raising an eyebrow at him. "Did you throw him to the reporters so you can escape?"

"Maybe." Stu replied, and Melinda chuckled, shaking her head.

"Stu!" Randy Meeks, the best friend of Stu, Billy and Melinda, rushed down the hallway , almost out of breath.

"You pushed me into those reporters, man!" Randy exclaimed, and Stu laughed , throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad." Randy scoffed, "yes it was!"

Melinda let out a small laugh, shaking her head.

"What's so funny?" Billy questioned, coming up to the group, standing next to Melinda.

"Randy was attacked by the vultures outside." Melinda replied,

Billy chuckled , "Damm."

Randy rolled his eyes , "I hate all of you."

"Aw, but we love you." Melinda said, throwing her arm over his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I hate him." Billy commented, glaring at Randy.

"Come on, Billy boy," Stu laughed, "how can you hate a face like this?" He gestured to Randy's face.

Billy smirked, "Well, all I have to do is look at him."

Randy scoffed ,"What is it? Gang on Randy day?"


"...what kind of questions did they ask you guys?" Tatum Riley, the sister of deputy Dwight,"dewey" Riley, and the current girlfriend of Stu questioned

"They asked me if I knew Casey." Sidney Prescott, the daughter of Maureen Prescott, and the girlfriend of Billy replied

"They did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Stu questioned,

"Yeah, they did." Billy answered, sitting up a bit, propping his elbow up and leaning on it.

"Hunt? Why would they ask if you like to hunt?" Tatum questioned, and Stu shrugged, " I don't know, they just did."

" Because their bodies were gutted." Randy answered, and Billy rolled his eyes as Sidney flinches.

"Thanks, Randy. " Billy sarcastically said,

"They didn't ask me if I like to hunt." Tatum said with a frown, and stu chuckled, "Because there's no way a girl could have killed them."

Tatum rolled her eyes, huffing a bit, "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female-BASIC INSTINCT."

"That was an ice pick-not exactly the same." Randy commented, and stu nodded, "Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. Takes a man to do something like that."

Tatum rolled her eyes once again, " Or a man's mentality."

"How do you gut someone?" All eyes turn to Sidney. A serious silence. And then stu spoke up, "You take a knife and slit from the groin to the sternum."

Sidney shivers down to her soul. The whole table rolls their eyes at Stu.

"What? She asked." Stu defended himself, and Billy sighed, "It's called tact, you fuckrag."

"Sorry." Stu mumbled, frowning,

"Remember in JAWS when they caught the wrong shark at first and Richard Dreyfuss cut it open to look for body parts,and all they found was a license plate and all this white milky goo" Randy told them,

Stu leans over and socks Randy in the arm. "You heard Billy-shut the fuck up."

"Hey, Stu? Didn't you use to date Casey?" Sidney's question, and Stu's taken back, a little off guard.

" For about two seconds." Stu said, with a small, little scoff.

"Before she dumped him for Steve." Randy said, and Tatum turned to Stu, surprised.

"I thought you dumped her for me." Tatum said, and Stu looked down at her, "I did. He's full of shit." He threw a small glare at Randy.

"And are the police aware you dated the victim?" Randy questioned and stu looked offended, "What are you saying? That I killed her or something?"

"It would certainly improve your high school Q. " Randy replied, and Tatum crossed her arms, looking at Randy.

"Stu was with me last night." Tatum told him,

"Oooooh... before or after he sliced and diced?" Randy asked, and Tatum glared at him,

"Fuck you, nut case. Where were you last night?" Tatum questioned, and Randy grinned.

"Working, thank you." Randy replied, and Tatum looked at him a bit confused, "I thought Blockbuster fired you."


"I didn't kill anybody." Stu spoke up, frowning,

"No one's saying you did." Billy told him, sending him a look.

"Besides - "Randy Mimics Stu, "Takes a man to do something like that."

"I'm gonna gut your ass in a second." Stu said, glaring at him,

"Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? I hear they found her liver in the mailbox." Randy asked Stu, and Tatum threw a grape at him and eyeing Sidney.

"Randy, you goon-fuck, I'm eating here." Stu nibbles at Tatum's neck.

"Yeah, Randy, she's getting mad. I think you better liver alone." Stu joked, laughing at his own joke.

Sidney stood up and left, and Tatum followed after her.

"Liver alone!" Stu laughed, and Billy shook his head at him, reaching over and smacking him in the arm.

Melinda, who has been eating through the whole conversation, let out a laugh.

"Liver alone! Nice one, Stu." Billy rolled his eyes.

"Don't encourage him, Mel."


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