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I don’t know what to feel right now - fear, anxiety, joy, or excitement. This whirlwind of emotions consumes me and tangled together within me, creating a turbulent storm. Clutching my suitcase and saying goodbye to my mom at the train station is giving me a mixture of every feeling on earth. All my life has been just me and my mom. I have never been far away from her, not even for just a day. So I am definitely scared right now.

“Goodbye, mom. I’ll miss you so much,” I whisper, my voice filled with heartfelt emotion as we embrace. I take comfort in the familiar scent and the warmth of being hugged by my mommy.

“I’ll miss you more, my baby girl,” she tells me while hugging me tightly. I can feel the anxiety and fear in her voice that she is trying hard to hide. Yep, her voice betrayed her. I know she is afraid of letting me go, afraid of what will happen to me there without her to protect me.

While cuddling me into her chest, she tells me with a serious tone in her voice, “Promise me you will never break your vow, Laila.”

Confusion flickers within me. Why would she doubt my unwavering commitment? I don’t know why she would ask me to promise her that; she knows I would never break that vow for anything or anyone in the world. “I promise you. I will never break my vow. Ever, ” I vow. And I mean those words.

I hear a sigh of relief from my mom; my words give her some reassurance. “Don’t let anyone stray you from your path. Do you understand me?” she advises, her seriousness piercing through.

I nod. “Yes, mother.”

Her voice carries a mix of caution and concern as she continues. “Don’t go to parties, don’t try to drink or smoke. And don’t let anyone make you do anything that the goddess forbids, including dressing half-naked. Don’t show your body to anyone. Especially boys. Boys are liars, and they will try to feed you some sweet words, deceive you with honeyed words, just to get between your legs, but you have to be smarter than that and not fall for it. Keep yourself pure and protect your innocence at all costs. I know you will meet people there who have boyfriends and sexual partners, but don’t let that make you try that too. Don’t let them influence you. Remember, you are destined to become the next priestess of the goddess, taking my place at the temple when I get old and can no longer perform my duties. Don’t let anyone take your flower.”

I listen to everything my mom says and let it all sink in. I don’t want to disappoint her, so I will make sure to follow everything she says to me.

We only break the hug when it’s time for me to get on the train because it’s about to leave. I say goodbye to her one last time before jumping inside the train and wave goodbye while standing at the door as the train leaves the station. I see tears on her face the moment the train starts leaving, which causes my eyes to water, but I have to find a place to sit first before I start crying.

Looking at my ticket, I quickly search for my seat and find it almost immediately. My seat is actually the first one in the row on the left. Thankfully, it’s empty and no one has tried to sit in my place, so I rush over and take my seat. While sitting down, I notice the person coming to sit next to me—a boy. Even while seated, he exuded an aura of height, tall, a well-built physique, and has a killer smile he is flashing at me unprovoked. He has blonde hair and green eyes that suit him very well. He is very good looking.

I smile back out of common courtesy and politeness, then sit down next to him, placing my bag at my feet.

I don’t focus on him and go to my pocket, taking out my brand new cellphone. I have never really owned a phone before; I only had a computer growing up, which was strictly for school. I never thought I needed a phone before, so I never asked my mom to buy me one, if she would even let me have one. We are a religion that is disconnected and detached from the outside world, so even getting me a computer was a big deal. I stay in our secluded area in the countryside and only leave to buy supplies and replenish our pantry.

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