'20' bile

366 13 20

Y/n pov

A wave of nausea came over me.

I drop my phone onto my lap and throw my set over the bed, running to the nearest bathroom, not even caring that I had pulled my IV off and stickers off my chest.

I lean over the toilet, hot burning bile makes its way up my throat. My stomach wrenches together in pain as I begin to throw up my insides.

I had eaten nothing in days yet it felt like I was throwing up every meal I've had in my entire lifetime.

"Y/n?" I hear Wanda's voice.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" She looks into the bathroom while I'm leaned over painfully clutching my stomach, begging it to stop.

I heaved and heave. Wanda runs to me and pulls back my hair.

"It's ok. You're ok. Let it out" she reassured me.

I shook my head, the back of my throat burned like there was acid stuck.

"Yes come on. It's ok. I'm right here."

"Fuck" I whisper. "Just make it stop." I lean over the toilet bowl as more bile creeps up my throat.

"I know, I know" Wanda tucks my hair behind my ear and holds it back.

Once I stop throwing up, Wanda walks me back to the bed and tucks me in, she tries to get me to eat but I can't. My throat feels so raw, like someone managed to sand it down. I do take a couple sips of water but by the end I'm so exhausted that I allow myself to sleep comfortably.

I dare say it's the best sleep I've ever had in my entire life.

Nat pov

Clint took me to my favorite bookshop, it was hard to find time for me to read but when I did I loved it. I managed to get a couple book before I receive a text from Wanda.

Y/n threw up

What??? Is she ok??

She's ok now
She's asleep but I thought you'd wanna know

Yea ur right I did wanna know
I'll b there in 5

Noo I was js telling u bc I thought u deserved to know not so u could spoil ur day just to come check on her
She's fine rn I'll text u if there's any complications for the meanwhile enjoy ur walk with Clint

Wym ?
R u sure???

Yes I'm sure

Mhh ok but if there's any updates lmk pls

Ok I got it



I put my phone down and continue looking through the book shelves when I notice a small girl giving me looks. She has big brown doe eyes that makes you want to melt.

"Are you black widow?" She asks suddenly and I'm taken aback my her question.

I nod softly. Her face lights up and she runs away. For a moment I assume I've scared her off but she comes back with her mom and a phone in her hand.

"Can I take a picture with you?" She asks and I nod. I crouch down to her height and give her a tight side hug while she sits in my knee. Her mom takes the picture for us and apologizes for her daughter but I find it so incredibly sweet, not to be known as a murderer as a cold blooded killer but as a hero. I wasn't used it that feeling.

I find Clint who's on the other side of the bookstore and tell him we should head out and he follows along. I buy the books I got and exit the bookstore.

"Let's go back" I suggest.

Clint nodded and we headed in the direction of the tower.

Ok so this is mostly a filler chapter for like the stuff to come but still I think u guys deserve to be fed.

How r my honey bunches???
Is there any tea???
Don't tell me there's no drama in ur life bc I refuse to believe that

But anyways I have a science test tmr n I'm literally gonna kms bc idk science and the test is literally on space science, biology. Physics and chemistry like omgg ima fail but hopefully not I think I'm a lil more confident in my math test than I am in my math🌚

But wtv

Bye honey bunches love uuu hope u have a good day /night🌚🤙🏾🫶🏽🫵🏽

745 words

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