Chapter 2 (Arrogance is key)

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Sub title:
Capital R Rake

I was off the carriage I looked around and saw a lot of people they all looked like they came off a magazine then I started becoming nervous.

My hands started shaking uncontrollably oh no oh no not now I thought.

The last time I was like this was when my mother died I cannot control and don't know what it thing is.

We entered the beautiful palace and saw a lot of people dancing.

I looked over to Edwina who was shaking from excitement "Remember to breathe Bon", Kate reminded her sister.

"Ah, the Marquis of Ashdown", Said Lady Danbury as she pointed to some guy.

"A little young to be sure but he has 10,000 a year", she continued.

"The Earl of Gloucester. His wife recently died of influenza. He might make a particularly estimable addition to your dance card Miss Sharma" She looked at Kate.

"I will not be taking to the dance floor tonight, Lady Danbury." Kate replied.

"Is there some one back home you've yet to tell me about?" Lady Danbury asked.

"Come now. I am long past all of that. The only match I'm interested in is for my sister", Kate replied.

"Now, what about the Duke of suffolk? According to debrett's he should be quite the catch this year" Kate asked.

"The Duke flaunts his mistresses. I assure you Miss Sharma I have our prospects well in hand", Replied Lady Danbury.

"Ah, there she is", Lady Danbury then pointed to a rich woman coming in.

"Wait, Is that the queen?" I asked. "It is" she replied. We walked to her and it seems she recognized Lady Danbury right away.

"Lady Danbury. A delightful soiree, as expected. Though my own later this week will be much more exclusive." Her Majesty spoke.

"Your majesty, I would not think to compare." Lady Danbury replied.

"And rightly so." The Queen smirked. I guess they are really close friends.

"Your Majesty, May I present Lady Mary Sharma, whom you must remember. And may I present her daughters Miss Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma and may I present my granddaughter Miss Silvermist Danbury". Lady Danbury spoke and we all curtseyed to her.

"Ah, Miss Danbury I remember you how is your mother?" Her Majesty asked.

"She's dead your Majesty", I replied.

"Oh, Sorrows, Prayers", she said and turned to Lady Sharma.

"I send my deepest apologies for your mother's passing", Edwina said.

"It's okay I've gotten used to it", I replied then we continued to walk.

We then saw a bunch of girls walking over to some guy "I know that gentleman", Said Kate.

"Who? the Viscount? I do not believe I have yet made an introduction." Lady Danbury asked

"Of course it must be my mistake", Kate replied.

"Though you have quite the eye. Viscount Bridgeton is wealthy, well- connected, and from one of the tons most illustrious families." Said Lady Danbury as she was on and on about Viscountes Bridgeton.

"What about you dear", Said Lady Sharma as she saw how bored I was.

"I'm not expecting anyone to come to me", I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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