Whispers from the ocean(1)

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_Yn's House, Morning_

Yn bounced into the kitchen, her long, curly hair bobbing with each step. She wore a bright yellow sundress, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Dr. Rodriguez, her mother, smiled as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "Good morning, sunshine! What's got you so energized today?"

Yn danced over to the kitchen table, spinning around to face her mother. "Today's the day, Mom! I'm finally leaving for Coveville! Two whole weeks of beachy bliss, here I come!"

Dr. Rodriguez chuckled. "I'm glad you're excited, sweetie. You've been counting down the days until your summer vacation for weeks."

Yn nodded enthusiastically. "I know, right? I need some serious relaxation and fun in the sun! No more books or labs for a while, just me, the ocean, and my favorite playlist!"

Dr. Rodriguez raised an eyebrow. "And don't forget, no more sleeping in until noon, either. You'll be getting some exercise and fresh air, young lady!"

Yn giggled. "Oh, don't worry, Mom! I'll be running on the beach, dancing in the waves, and soaking up every ray of sunshine! You'll be proud of me, I promise!"

Dr. Rodriguez smiled, shaking her head. "I'm always proud of you, Yn. Just remember to stay safe, okay? And don't forget your sunscreen!"

Yn rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Mom, I've got this! I'll be fine, I promise. Now, can I please grab some breakfast and get going? I have a beach to conquer!"

*On the beach house*

" Oh my goodness! This house is so beautiful

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" Oh my goodness! This house is so beautiful. Just the way I want no noise no pollution and no people"

She set the house according to her living and take a small nap. In the evening she take a walk along side a beach.

Yn walked along the beach, her feet sinking into the warm sand as she gazed out at the ocean. The water sparkled like a thousand diamonds in the sunlight, with gentle waves rolling in and out in a soothing rhythm. She breathed in deeply, filling her lungs with the salty air, and felt her worries slowly drift away with the tide.

As she walked, Yn noticed the way the sunlight sparkled on the water, creating a beautiful pattern of blues and greens. She felt small compared to the vast ocean, but at the same time, she felt connected to its power and beauty

Seagulls cried out overhead, their voices carrying on the wind. Yn closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the waves and the gulls, and felt a sense of peace wash over her.

" This place is so peaceful and dreamy, I wish I could live here forever" sun was setting down. It's last rays was shinning so brightly giving ocean a magnificent sparkle but in the sparkle she noticed something else a shiny scales?

" W-What was that? A fish? But how can a fish have a hairs? What the hell I just came and started to hallucinating! Girl you just need a good sleep. Tomorrow will be the best day!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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