Chapter: 13

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The past four days had been hectic for the ever cheering Sivaangi. She woke up annoyed with her alarm to complete prayers and shake her lazy brother from sleep. They got ready for their usual morning jog and joined the other two. After their active morning routine they began to get ready for the seminar at school. 

Rakesh came wearing a beige shirt paired up with a black pant holding 3 watches hoping his sister would help him pick one. Sivaangi was combing her hair to knot a ponytail matching the outfit. Sivaangi was selecting a watch for Rakesh when the boys barged in. 

Ashwin looked extraordinarily handsome in his royal off white shirt and brown pants, Arjun was no less. They hurried the brother sister duo. Sivaangi was a bit nervous about facing a big crowd after months of isolation and was conscious about her look.

"hey naa epdi iruken. dress over formal aa irukkula" asked Sivaangi

"athella nalla thaan iruku" replied Ashwin but she wasn't convinced. They connected to their parents through video call and Sivaangi was finally satisfied with her outfit when her mom assured she looked etheral in her monochromatic shalwar. 

They got their parents' and grandparents' blessings and entered the car, Lakshmikanthan drove them. Everyone was visibly nervous when they neared the school. 

"nammala yaaru kekapora, chumma pesivutu vaanga, bayaptu onnum pesama ninnudama" 

Lakshmikanth tried to ease their moods. They all got down and entered the school to be warmly welcomed by the principal and sectional heads of each branches. They were seated at principal's office discussing about what they had to convey to students. After a good 20 minutes they were headed to the auditorium and was welcomed with a standing ovation of around 300 students. The event started at 9.30am. 

Principal and science branch head teacher gave a speech introducing the 4 youngsters to the students and motivation was already hooded in students' eyes to see 4 medicos from the same family. They had known these 4 seniors as they were old students of this school and undoubtedly famous for their colourful achievements during school days. 

Arjun started his lecture after setting the presentation on multimedia projector. He shared his journey of being an average careless student to last 6 months of serious hard work which led him stand there today. All of the students were either his direct juniors or super juniors so they had a friendly discussion. He had been guided under the same teachers so he advised on working effectively for each teacher's style. He finished his speech in an hour with a big round of applause from students. It was Sivaangi's turn next. 

Her 3 boys wished her and gave confidence. She started with a friendly cool self introduction and shared how she missed proper classes still secured high rank due to effective planning and efficient working. She narrated how she proved "it's never too late" hence the students who have only 7 months left can still crack it if they start now. There was visible happiness and motivation in children's faces. The auditorium could sense the hope arising. She also mentioned about her habit of teaching her friends which helped her immensely, she stressed on helping others not being jealous. The session was very interactive and informative, she was a good public speaker because of her extrovert nature but she had stage fears. 

Ashwin was looking at her proudly the whole time. Her expressions and body language grabbed the attention of students and she became the spotlight. The principal was amazed with her knowledge and how she stated the points in the right way to reach the audience. She finished it and the whole auditorium gave her a standing ovation, no doubt many of them became her fans. 

It was 12, the time for lunch break. The principal came forward and appreciated her patting her head. He delivered few words praising Arjun and Sivaangi. He also announced the students could ask their questions for another 15 minutes so that the senior boys will try to include answers for them. The students hesitated and the branch head eyed the principal about privacy students expected so the teachers moved out to make arrangements for the lunch for the 4 and themselves. 

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