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I caught my tears,

what an awful thing,

as they slid from my eyes

and cast them into a

jar and labeled it "sorrow".

I traced my finger along

the path that my tears took,

and wiped it dry,

leaving no evidence

of the pain and regret

that had traveled down my face.


putting on a brave smile

I try to hide all that's bottled

up inside of me,

I try to hide the hurt but it

all comes out as more tears.

I try to catch them once more

but they slip down my face,

And slide between my fingers

Before I could.

"It will end", I tell myself,

"The salty tears will end"

But they never do.

Forever they come down

And drown me in the

Sadness and hurt of love.

Tears. What an awful thing. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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