Chapter 4: Part One

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Hey guys! New part! This is the best I could do, I will have a look tomorrow and probably fix somethings up? I actually didn't intend to make the last part happen so soon lol music I was listening to influenced me! The music I listen to hype me to write and they sometimes direct where my scenes may go at time lol Hope I did not rush into it. No smut. Anyways, next part may take a while again. Hope you guys enjoy!! xxxx

He’d felt like he’d been falling through his dream. The memories whirl through his head, mostly  dark memories that haunt him… they come back to him as hot dissonant flashbacks-  crowds of people cluttered in narrow strips watching wounded sailors amble home, battles, cries and screams, sword fights, and floggings, and bloodshed- explosions, and gunfire, more floggings, destruction, the mayhem that surrounded it, and the graveyards of rotting corpses… Aiukli’s memory finds its way back into his head, into his dreams every night… her tribe had been a fierce group, as his own people, as those he’d battled too, but it is as if she alone in his dream could drive out the terror and mess that amassed in his head- all the collection of dark memories… she was like a source of light, steering through all the madness that stirred in his head… he sees her in his dreams, the vision of her as a spirit as she sat brilliantly on top of her horse, with a fearless heart, glooping alongside her tribe, and that memory was full of wonder and all that was needed to keep his veins pumping with life… 

A whirl of floating incense fills his senses, stirring an aroma to the tip of his nose, waking him from his bad dream. He’d woken in a pool of sweat, his linen shirt soaked. 

His head cracks as he shifts, blinking to the light that shone brightly through a narrow gap of canopy suspended over him. He strains his eyes open, and groans as he tries to sit up. Confused, he looks around, getting a better idea of where he was, making himself aware of what had been around him. He leans himself up on his strong arm, taking in his surroundings more… he’d begun to realize he must have passed out sometime after having visited Eden, and now wondered where his horse had gone, and how he’d somehow ended up here… laying in a pool of sweat in a small cocoon-like makeshift shelter made from twigs, branches and other dense foliage material that had made a cover for him. 

His head hurt, feeling excessively tight, and he rubs his eye vigorously with the palm of a hand, his head pounding intensely… then he’d felt the crunchy texture beneath his palm, like a chalky substance against his skin, realizing as he’d moved his hand away, and takes in a glimpse down at them, his face was covered in some kind of powdered form of paste. Not mud or dirt, but a strange smelling burgundy powder… a rush of thoughts begins to fill his mind. He wipes the powder from his face aggressively-

oh no- she can’t- put this kind of rubbish on him- use her potions on him?... not after she’d left him to die- his heart had bled, was obliterated and split in two-   

Pulling himself up too quickly, he winces, a sudden sharp pain radiates from his right leg, hindering him from moving, and keeps him still. Doing the best he can to ignore the grisly pain, he grits his teeth, and pulls up the length of his trouser to expose his right leg- it had a fleshy lacerated wound that had been covered in a thick coating of black powder- 

Teach grunts, agitated- really? she thinks she can smear weird stuff on him while he’d been passed out?... Beyond annoyed, he hurriedly pulls himself onto his feet, a fit of emotions taking coarse in his body and suddenly numbing out his pain, he ducks his head out from within the shelter, stepping out with a limp into the bright daylight. 

Where was she?... his gaze grazes the surrounding creek she’d brought him to, expecting to find her somewhere nearby.

His gaze sweeps over the area, passing over the mossy rocks and creek flowers and shrubs. The bright sunlight hits his eyes, blinding him at first, but rapidly they adjust. Shielding his eyes with a hand, his gaze comes across the woman he knew he’d find- further down along the creek, her feet gently submerged inside the slow flowing stream of water. She stood shin deep in water, with her back to him. 

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