Chapter 2

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In the evening at 7 PM, I was eagerly waiting for Tarun at the villa. I've never waited for anyone so impatiently before, not even when my 12th-grade results were about to be announced and the internet was as slow as Zero G.
It used to take at least 15 minutes to open a single website. I've never felt as restless as I do waiting for Tarun today. I've called him four times already, but he hasn't answered or replied. The last time I called, it was ringing continuously until I decided to hang up, but just before I could, Tarun picked up the call.
"Hello," Tarun speaks in a hurried voice.
"Where are you? I've been waiting for you for so long... Thinking of heading to bed without waiting anymore... There's only one pack left in the bottle," I said in a single breath.

"I'll be there in just 5 minutes... And listen, the last pack is mine, I'll finish it myself," Tarun said before cutting the call.
I set a 15-minute timer on my smartwatch, I know the meaning of 5 minutes. Tarun is my childhood friend. No one has ever stayed with me for such a long time as a friend, so Tarun must be special. I don't know how he's been my friend for such a long time. Maybe it's our chemistry or something else, but whatever it is, he's my best friend. He didn't get good marks in school, and during exams, he always sat behind me, copying from my answer sheet, yet he still failed. He always managed to either be last in class or just barely get promoted to the next grade. My parents were always angry with Tarun, telling me not to hang out with him, but I preferred to be with him because almost all the other students were jealous of me, except Tarun. How could he be jealous when his promotion depended on me?

"You always arrives late, I've been waiting for you for so long," I said, looking at my watch.

Tarun came closer and touched my wristwatch, saying,
"Oh, you have a Rolex, it runs faster, mine is from New Market, see it's running accurately."
"Just shut up" I said and continue

"my time isn't running accurately," I said, looking at my drink glass.
"How can it not be accurate? This villa is so big, there are luxury cars parked in the garage," Tarun says, coming closer to me and continuing.
"This expensive whiskey glass, and it's placed on a table near the swimming pool. There's always a servant around to take care of you. You call this bad timing? Time behaves badly for people like us. Anyway, make me a drink," Tarun says, seated in the nearby chair.
"I have a problem" i said
"You have problem?" Tarun laughs heartily.

“Why are you laughing?”

“How can you have a problem? Successful people don't have problems,” Tarun laughs as he puts his glass on the table and wipes his mouth with a tissue.

"Where is it written that successful people don't have problems?" I say as I approach Tarun and continue, "Listen, I have a serious problem. If you can listen, it's fine; otherwise... finish your drink and forget it." With that, I return to my place.
I hand Tarun the glass with the drink mixed with Colddrink. Tarun takes a sip.

"This is amazing, Roshan. Where did you find it?" he asks, then finishes the whole glass in the next sip.

"Forget that, I have one problem," I say, pouring whiskey from the bottle into Tarun's empty glass.

Tarun gazes down into the swimming pool for a while, then after a moment of silence, he speaks up.

"It means, Roshan, the topper who has never considered anything from school to college and up until now as a problem, now has one. It means there's a really serious issue..." Tarun pauses.

"So, what's the serious problem?" Tarun ask, taking a sip from glass.

"Do you really want to know, or am I just saying this?" I replies.

"Yeah, buddy, I really want to know what exactly happened,"  Tarun say.

Love Ju Short Stories Series 1- "35 Not Out"Where stories live. Discover now