❀ 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 59 ❀

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Yoongi nodded, his voice trembling as he recounted his encounter with Soojin. The floodgates of emotion burst open, and tears streamed down Yoongi's cheeks as he struggled to contain the pain he had been holding back after that encounter. Sensing his distress, Jin pulled him close, embracing him tightly as Yoongi cried, allowing him to finally release the emotions he had been suppressing since morning.

Yoongi cried and cried until no tears were left in his eyes. Jin cupped yoongi's face and wiped his tears and said "don't let her have control over you yoongi"

"I am trying hyung...but I don't know what magic she did on me...she still has that control over me" said yoongi in a low voice.

"Whenever she tries to come near you, don't forget what she did to you. She doesn't deserve you Yoongi... I did so much to help you get her out of your mind... at least appreciate my efforts and forget about her baby" said Jin softly

"I already threw her out of my heart and brain, hyung... It's just that I can't forget the betrayal and the sweet memories we made. They must have been fake for her, but for me, those moments were very precious, hyung... But now, I hate her.... I hate her with every fiber of my being." Tears rolled down from his eyes as he spoke, his pain palpable.

Jin gently wiped Yoongi's tears once more and said, "Then don't cry like this, Yoongi... Don't hurt yourself for her. She doesn't deserve it. Think of your family... your brothers. We love you so much, baby. You don't need her in your life." Yoongi simply nodded his head and hugged Jin tightly, finding solace in his words. However, deep down, he grappled with the insecurity that stemmed from Soojin's betrayal, even doubting the love of his brothers. He longed to open up to Jin about his struggles but found himself unable to muster the courage to do so. They stayed like that for sometime until yoongi felt better and stopped crying.

Next day
In office

Namjoon sat in his cabin, trying to focus on his work, but he couldn't shake off the hurt from what Hobi did to him yesterday. He always sought comfort from Hobi whenever anything happened, as Hobi was just a year older and like a protector to him. Namjoon longed to behave like a kid again and throw tantrums in front of Hobi, just like they did when they were younger. They used to be inseparable, with Hobi always shielding Namjoon from Jin or Yoongi. However, as they grew older, Hobi drifted closer to Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae, leaving Namjoon feeling isolated.

After that Whenever Namjoon acted childishly in front of Hobi, he was met with scolding instead of the comfort he craved. Even when he made mistakes, he expected Hobi to come to his rescue, but instead, Hobi started punishing him or handing him over to Jin. It saddened Namjoon deeply, but he kept quiet, clinging to the hope that Hobi would return to their old dynamic. And it's not like namjoon never opened up, he once told hobi how he felt about their bonding but hobi just shrugged him off saying you are thinking too much. However, yesterday's humiliation in front of kids cut him deeply, leaving him unable to focus on his work.

Namjoon tried to focus on his work but was interrupted by a knock at the door. He sighed in annoyance but gestured for the person to come in.

"Let's go for lunch, Namjoon. I'm starving," Hobi said casually.

Namjoon looked at Hobi in disbelief. He couldn't believe how Hobi could behave so normally with him, as if he hadn't humiliated and smacked him so hard in front of the kids.

"I'm not hungry... you can go," Namjoon said in a cold voice, refusing to meet Hobi's gaze as he continued to type on his laptop.

Hobi moved closer to him and remarked, "What's with this cold reply? Hmm?"

"Nothing...I am busy you can go" Namjoon replied plainly, his tone devoid of emotion.

Hobi went behind Namjoon to look at his laptop screen and remarked, "You're doing it wrong, Namjoon." He corrected the mistake and then asked, "What happened... is something bothering you? You never make such silly mistakes," genuine concern evident in his voice.

"I'm human too... Can't I make silly mistakes sometimes ," Namjoon replied flatly.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way... of course, you can make mistakes. It is a part of our life. Anyway, let's leave it and go now," Hobi said feeling hungry as it was lunch time.

"I told you I'm not hungry, hyung... I'll eat later. You can go," Namjoon reiterated.

"But Namjoon, you know I don't like eating alone," Hobi pleaded.

Namjoon scoffed and retorted, "You've also done many things I don't like."

Hobi looked at Namjoon, confusion evident in his expression. "Huh! What do you mean... what did I do?" he asked, seeking clarification.

Namjoon remained silent, his attention fixed on his typing.

"Namjoon... I'm asking something," Hobi persisted, but received no response.

"Come on, Namjoon... stop being childish... tell me what I did. Otherwise, how would I know?" Hobi asked, growing slightly frustrated.

Namjoon finally looked at Hobi and said, "Did you forget so easily how yesterday you humiliated me in front of the kids?"

Hobi's confusion deepened, and he replied, "When did I humiliate yo— what are you talking about, those smacks?" He laughed as he remembered it and added, "It was so funny... It was so funny teasing you"

Namjoon's anger and hurt intensified as he saw Hobi laughing. "It was not funny at all, hyung... I have some respect and dignity in front of kids. You can't just smack me in front of them and then brush it off by saying you were just teasing me," he expressed, his tone firm.

"Come on, Namjoon, I was just teasing you," Hobi insisted.

"Well, it was not funny for me... It hurt me both physically and emotionally," Namjoon responded, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt.

"Why are you taking it so seriously, Namjoon... You also teased me yesterday morning... Did you forget?" Hobi retorted, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"But I teased you in front of our friend only, and mainly he was teasing you. I didn't physically hurt you or do anything that could humiliate you. But you did it to me, hyung," Namjoon explained, his frustration evident.

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry... Happy now?" Hobi responded with irritation.

"Don't say those words if you don't mean them, hyung... You're the one who taught me that," Namjoon replied, his tone firm.

Hobi sighed and said, "See, I really was just teasing you... I didn't mean to hurt you in any way. But if I did hurt you, then I'm genuinely sorry, Namjoon," he expressed sincerely, understanding that further arguing wouldn't lead anywhere productive.

"I'm not in the mood to talk about it right now... I'm deeply hurt... Imagine yourself in my place... getting smacked in front of kids. And, hyung, you were hitting me very hard," Namjoon explained, his voice tinged with hurt, as he returned to typing.

Hobi was about to say something, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Namjoon allowed the person to enter, and it was his secretary announcing, "Sir, they're here. The meeting is about to start."

"Okay, you go. I'm coming," Namjoon replied, and she left. Namjoon gathered a few documents and headed to the meeting room, completely ignoring Hobi. He was too hurt to engage with him.

Hobi wanted to talk to Namjoon and sort things out, but now he couldn't because Namjoon had a meeting. As Namjoon left for the meeting, Hobi sighed and departed from namjoon's cabin , feeling disappointed and unsettled.


To be continued

I hope you liked it

Stay tuned

Thankyou 💜

𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 // 𝑩𝑻𝑺 ✯♡❀Where stories live. Discover now