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Mei perched on the sturdy desk, her legs swinging freely beneath her, a portrait of restlessness. The room brimmed with palpable tension, each passing moment marked by stolen glances at the relentless march of the clock's hands.

Minute after minute slipped away, exacerbating the growing unease. Mei couldn't help but lament her luck, 'Of course, just my luck. Sensei is late, I get placed on a team that my family doesn't like. What's next? An impossible test?'

Naruto, for the umpteenth time, nudged the door ajar, hoping for a glimpse of their elusive mentor. Sakura lingered nearby, her weight resting on the desk, while Sasuke remained aloof at a distant corner.

Alone in the classroom, their collective discontent hung heavy in the air, thickening the atmosphere with every passing second. Naruto's frustration boiled over, his exasperated outcry punctuating the silence, "He's late!"

The boy persisted in making noises, his head swiveling left and right as though in search of someone.

His restless demeanor grated on Sakura's nerves, prompting her to roll her eyes in exasperation.

"Naruto, be quiet and take a seat!" Sakura's tone was sharp, the words almost barked out.

With each passing moment, her impatience seemed to escalate, evident in the glare she directed at her blonde classmate—an expression Mei couldn't fault.

Mei, too, sensed her nerves fraying amidst the oppressive tension saturating the air.

She observed Naruto's frustrated muttering, his voice barely audible but still managing to snag her attention.

His grievances about their classmates embarking on a "super cool mission" while they languished in limbo for their teacher to arrive infused the atmosphere with a bitter undertone, as though they were being denied something rightfully theirs.

Taking this as an opportunity to escape the monotony, Mei closed her eyes, reclining in her seat and cradling her head in her hands. Boredom crept in, coaxing her mind to wander to realms previously unexplored.

'If we sit here any longer I will literally go insane and-' Her train of thought derailed as Naruto wedged an eraser in the doorway, attempting to prank their tardy sensei as retribution for their delay.

This prompted her to open her eyes and turn towards the commotion. 'What's he up to...'

Locking her gaze on the blue-haired boy, who had just positioned an eraser in the doorway to prank their teacher, Mei slid off the desk and approached him. "What's going on?" Her voice carried a hint of curiosity, a slight smile playing on her lips as she observed Naruto's attempt at mischief.

Sakura, with her hands on her hips, directed a stern look at Naruto. "Naruto! You're just asking for trouble; you know better than to do that," she scolded, though her eyes betrayed a hint of amusement.

A small smile crept onto Mei's face as she glanced between the two of them.

"Maybe she's right....are you sure this is a good idea?" The dark-skinned girl jumped into the conversation, scratching the back of her head with confusion as she thought about the possibility of their Sensei actually falling for a low-level prank.

Sasuke's voice filled the air, the sound of his words resonating in the quiet classroom. He had been unusually quiet up until now, and the sudden noise he made caused Mei to jerk her head in his direction, her dark eyes narrowing slightly as she looked toward him.

His expression was one of skepticism, his voice filled with doubt as he asked the question. "Do you really think our Sensei, an elite Jonin, would fall for something as childish as that?"

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