Gag Reel 3

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Gag reel:
To find the tomb

[Percabeth on Bus with Monster]
Leah: You haven't killed a male, have you?
Walker: Suprisinly no. I haven't-wait....
Leah: Wait for what?
Walker: I killed one about a week ago.
Leah: *out of character* But, you can't kill a number.
Walker: Wha- *realization* *laughs*

[Annabeth Brushes Percy's Hair]
Leah: *unscripted* It's fine. It's gonna be okay. *brushes strand on Walker's hair behind his ear*
Walker: *smiling*
Director: Cut! I like that, Leah! Great job!
Leah: *bows* Thank you. Thank you.

[Annabeth Kills A Monster]
Leah: No Percy. You wait. *stops Walker with hand on chest*
Walker: What? Why?
Leah: Just trust me.
Walker: But, what if it's dangerous?
Leah: *out of character* But, it is.
Walker: Why do I keep doing that?!
Leah: *laugh* It's okay bud. *pats back*

[Leah Moment]
Leah: Hi guys! *fish face*
Walker: *laughs*

[Percy Drinks Water]
Walker: Starts drinking.
Leah: Don't, drink all of it Percy. *starts laughing*
Walker: *water pops in his face and laughs* Sorry!

[Waleah Moment]
Walker: *flips off block* Haha! *floss*
Leah: *flosses with him*

[Windy Way to The Tomb of Kouela]
Leah: See?! The wind picks up!
Walker: Yeah! It's definitely very windy!
*wind stops*
Walker: That's weird.
Leah: Yeah.
*wind gushes*
Leah: OH SHOOT!! *almost falls* Sorry! I was NOT ready for that!
Walker: *laughing his butt off*

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