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I figured out what was wrong!. It turns out my brother Thought it was a good idea/joke to put a parent lock on my Microsoft Acc. therefor I couldn't access anything BUT WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS MORE THEN PISSED OFF!. Anyway... Got him to take it off after my stress ass was running around, my mother scolded my brother 😌.  ANYWAY EST's  are almost finished. I'm on my second on today so wish me luck CUS ITS MATH EST AN I HATE/SUCK AT IT


The Journey Continues

Sarah kept a watchful eye on Pierre as he slept soundly on the back of the Thantor cat, his breathing steady and even despite the turmoil of their escape. With Kraken by his side, she felt a sense of reassurance, knowing that they were not alone in this dangerous world.

As they travelled through the desolate landscape, Sarah remained vigilant, her senses heightened as she scanned their surroundings for any sign of danger. With each passing moment, she grew more determined to protect Pierre and Kraken at all costs, her grip on her weapon tightening with resolve.

The Thantor cat moved with silent grace, its powerful strides carrying them swiftly through the abandoned streets and crumbling buildings of the city. Sarah kept pace beside it, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow as she remained ever vigilant against the lurking threats that lay in wait. With Kraken at her side, she felt a surge of confidence coursing through her veins, her trust in the loyal Maine Coone bolstering her resolve to keep Pierre safe. Together, they formed a formidable team, united in their determination to overcome whatever obstacles stood in their path.

As they journeyed onward, Sarah's mind raced with thoughts of their next move. With nightfall approaching, they would need to find shelter soon, a safe haven where they could rest and regroup before continuing their journey. Finally, they came upon an abandoned mansion looming in the distance, its darkened windows and crumbling façade standing as a silent sentinel against the encroaching darkness. With a sense of cautious optimism, Sarah guided the Thantor cat towards the imposing structure, her eyes scanning its exterior for any signs of danger.

As they approached the mansion, Sarah dismounted from the Thantor cat, her weapon at the ready as she led the way inside. With Kraken and Pierre following close behind, they ventured into the depths of the abandoned mansion, their footsteps echoing through the silent halls as they searched for a safe place to make camp for the night. With each step, Sarah remained vigilant, her senses on high alert as she scanned their surroundings for any potential threats. With the weight of their journey pressing down upon her, she knew that they would need to remain vigilant if they were to survive the dangers that lurked in the darkness. But as they settled into their makeshift camp within the abandoned mansion, Sarah felt a glimmer of hope flicker within her heart.

Or so The Beast's thought it was abandoned..

-----------------------------------------------TIME SKIP--------------------------------------------------------------------


As Pierre lay on the bed, his senses dulled by exhaustion and pain, he listened intently to the voices drifting from another room. Sarah's voice, soft and familiar, mingled with another, their words indistinct yet laden with emotion. His body felt heavy, his muscles weak and unresponsive as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The room seemed to spin around him, the walls closing in as he fought to stay conscious.

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