Is this truly my Destiny?

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To be left abandoned in the darkness to weep,

And I wept alone sorrowfully,

I wept till the tears turned red and my eyes bleed,

Only I had stopped every time I fall asleep,

With nothing on hand and nothing nearby,

With no one beside me as I cry,

With nothing but hatred and guilty feelings,

With only my thoughts wandering,

Through the old memories I started remembering,

Dear! Poor girl  by herself and fighting,

Regrets in me started flooding,

And there she should stand tall, 

Proud of it all,

For making it through the mayhem and each fall,

But she stood up face stiff like a doll,

Raise your head; Chin up high with a smile,

Yet she had nothing but sorrows in her eyes,

The poor girl suffered greatly,

throughout the journey of her life,

She had none along the fight,

She had none and was alone most of the time

Pity on you yet was blamed,

For mistakes and sins you never made,

Pity on you for believing the cries,

Only to end up tangled with their lies,

Now here you are stuck in the dark void of time,

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