✷ 050: Landalia.

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HIT ON ME ! by KissLeclerc
August 7, 2024 # "You Are My Boy Forever."

BEING ON A ROOFTOP in Monaco the night of her birthday was not something Thalia Tran expected in the year of 2024. Under the beaming European summer sunset, standing beside her was someone she never thought she'd see again after their run-in back in October 2023...

Someone so unexpected.

She definitely did not expect him to win her heart so effortlessly, yet here they were, their forced encounter months and months before, leading to something so beautiful.

Approximately 8 months since she agreed to go on her first date with him, realizing all along she had feelings for him.

And approximately 3 months since he proclaimed his love for her on live international television.

As she looked at him, she felt a warmth inside, grateful for this unexpected turn of events. Being able to be with someone who taught her how to love in every way possible.

She was no stranger to the complexities of the human heart, most especially hers. The thought of intimate physical touch had always been a foreign concept to her, not even being able to hug those closest to her.

Raised in an environment where emotions were often expressed through words rather than gestures, she had grown accustomed to keeping a safe distance from others, both emotionally and physically.

The idea of letting someone into her personal space eventually filled her with unease and discomfort, a sentiment she had carried with her for as long as she could remember.

But when Lando came along, she began to let her guard down. Allowing herself to bask in the warmth of his affection without reservation. With each passing day, she discovered a newfound sense of liberation in his touch, learning to cherish the intimacy.

Standing at the balcony, hand in hand as they admired the view of the dancing colors within the Monegasque sky, she came to a realization of how disgustingly in love she was.

As they laughed and kept minimal conversation, Thalia laid her head on his shoulder as her hands now found a grip on his forearm. Standing together in peaceful harmony when she felt his gaze.

"Don't look at me like that." She looked up, laughing through a smile and getting nervous under his stare.

"I can't help it." A shameless shrug of his shoulders flowed smoothly with his words.

"What are you thinking about?" She quirked a brow, turning to face him and propping her arm against the railing. "A lot of things actually." He mirrored her.

"Yeah? Like what?" Thalia tilted her head, listening to him closely. "How lucky I am to be with you." Lando laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"So corny." Her constant insults never failing to make him smile so happily.

"Um.. but I do have a gift for you." He cleared his throat nervously, a tug at her left eyebrow raising it up. "You know. Cause you're the birthday girl."

"Do you?"

"I do." Lando nodded as he soon reached for his coat pocket.

"Alright, now wait a second." Thalia's breath hitched at the sight of him pulling out a tiny compact box.

"Hold on, don't get feisty, it's not a wedding ring." Lando laughed as he was quick to explain himself. Thalia taking a breath of relief.

She still felt too young anyways.

Hit On Me  ✷  Lando Norris Where stories live. Discover now