Chapter 2

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I watched as she rambled to me about her new crush as she rambles I can’t help but think back to what happened last time with her last boyfriend Issac I hated him, she loved him more than he loved her, I remember how she’d rant to me about how he was never affectionate with her cause his mother wouldn’t let him or even really see her outside of school, I had to fill all her needs that he couldn’t and the fact when she left him he told her jump off a bridge oh it made my blood boil like soup. “I just don’t know if I should go for it” I look up at her as she stares at me with curiosity, she wanted my advice I wasn’t paying attention. “um well I’d suggest getting close to him first and making sure he isn’t in a relationship or just got out of one” I knew I pulled that out my ass but it was my go to advice when it came to romance. She smiled and hugged me it made my heat swell like it always did.

We spent the rest of lunch chatting about our drama camp and the competition, most years the competition we did was mostly dancers but this year it was a competition only actors and a few singers. We were told due to the amount of rooms and beds we’d be sharing a bed which we didn’t mind, honestly, I was happy to be sharing a bed with her I mean I always found her presence calming. We rambled about how nervous we were cause most of the pieces our group were performing our acting group had written ourselves.

As we chatted I watched as the sun hit her hair making it shine and glow in shades of caramel and tawny with a soft silky texture, I could stare at her forever admiring every little detail of her from her moles and freckles to the way she fidgets with her ring as she grows excited. Her laugh felt like the rough crashing on the waves it was strong and hit you like a truck. I adored how passionate she was about things be it a complicated monologue or as simple as a good novel she’s been reading, the way her eyes light up like a neon sign when she’s all giddy it makes me feel lightheaded and happy like I’ve been pumped full of laughing gas.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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