15 | ink

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When I woke up this morning, Kellan was already gone. After what happened the day before, we hadn't spoken to each other again.

Last night, Kellan asked Zoe to bring me dinner, and he only came back later after having his martial arts practice. We went to bed in silence, and I was trying so hard to keep my tears from falling.

I thought that he would slowly let me in. I thought that I could be closer to him and understand him better. But just as I thought that he had broken down his walls, he returned to the way he'd been before.

It pains me to know how much he's been suffering. The closer I get to him, the more I can feel his pain and the more I can feel the man behind that cold exterior.

His words hurt, but I know that it's just a camouflage to hide his pain. I've promised myself that I will make him see the good things in life, that he can still be happy despite his disability, and that he's worth it.

After I finish drying my hair, I plop myself on the bed. While I'm wondering what I'm about to do today, someone knocks on the door. I open it and find Zoe standing before me with a warm smile on her face.

She doesn't have any tray of food with her, so I wonder what her plan is. Spending a day with her is exactly what I need right now, and so my heart is filled with relief.

"Morning," I greet her with a cheerful smile. "Are we going to have breakfast together?"

I don't know if Luca and his friends will be around to harass me again, but having a friend with me is better than being alone. My heart hurts as I remember that Kellan reminded me to stay out of his way.

Zoe nods, and we happily hook each other's arms, walking down the hallway.

But then, instead of going to the kitchen, Zoe leads me to the basement. I raise my eyebrows in question, and she just signals with her hand that it's going to be okay.

It's not the same basement where they have the boxing ring, so I guess that it's the one where Zoe and her father live.

She pushes the door open, and I'm greeted by a tattoo studio.

I travel my eyes around with awe. The room is dimlit, but I can clearly see how artistic it is. The walls are lined up with dark paintings, and most of the furniture is dark wood. But strangely, it still feels comfortable enough for a living space. It even feels cozy.

I see two doors leading to different bedrooms and another door that I guess would lead to the bathroom. Just when I land my gaze on it, someone opens it from the other side.

I watch as a tall and broad-shouldered middle-aged man walks to us with a big smile on his face.

"You must be Layla." He reaches out his arm and gives me a firm handshake. "I'm Stas, Zoe's father. Welcome to our home."

I return his smile, appreciating his warm hospitality. This humble man has inked countless tattoos for the leaders and members of Black Wings.

"You're finally going to have your first tattoo, aren't you?" His question startles me, and as soon as he sees the panic on my face, he laughs. "Don't worry. It won't hurt that much. Do you want me to do it for you? Or do you want Zoe to do it? It's your choice."

I snap my head toward Zoe, who bites her lip uneasily and scratches her temple. She takes out a note from her pocket and writes to me.

I'm sorry. I know that you might not want it, but today is the day you'll get your tattoo. Kellan said so. It's an order.

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