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after Kaveh Akbar

Daffodils fell from the sky last night. 
I am watching a woman with the head of a daffodil 
walk her dog which is also a daffodil 
down a street littered with daffodils. 
Every house in the neighborhood is a daffodil 
filled with daffodil people who are eating daffodils 
for breakfast with their daffodil children.
They keep little daffodils in cages, 
but some leave their daffodils outside. 
The sun is a daffodil blooming in the sky. 
I am listening to a daffodil woman 
sing a sad song about her daffodil lover. 
Her voice is a kind of daffodil. Last night, 
I dreamt of daffodils growing out of my head 
which is another way to say I dreamt
about my grandmother who was also a daffodil. 
I miss the smell of daffodils. I remember 
my mother’s voice snapping like the stem 
of a daffodil. My daffodil had rot in her roots. 
My daffodil needed the rot removed. 
We were daffodils who knew nothing 
about daffodils. There was nothing we could do.

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