The Frozen Threat and portal to a new world

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Kong’s pov∞

Seeing Mothra caught in the wall of frozen time was a sight that filled me with dread. Her last word, "Run," echoed in my mind as we fled from the advancing barrier.

I hopped onto Shimo's back, clutching Suko close.

As we approached the Iwi tribe civilization, the familiar sight of their towering structures brought a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

"We’re almost there," I rumbled, glancing at Suko, who clung to my shoulder with wide eyes.

Suddenly, I heard a cry of pain and turned to see the of my strongest warriors tripping over a rock.

He tried to get up, but his bottom half was already caught in the wall of frozen time. The barrier was moving closer, threatening to engulf him completely.

"Help me!" he shouted, desperation in his eyes.

I roared in frustration, knowing I couldn’t save him without risking the lives of everyone else.

"Keep moving!" I bellowed to the others.

"We can’t stop now!" The warrior struggled, his hands clawing at the ground as the wall advanced.

His cries echoed in my ears, a haunting reminder of the relentless force chasing us.

Suko buried his face against my fur, unable to watch.

"Father, we have to save him!" he pleaded, his voice muffled by my fur.

"There’s nothing we can do, Suko," I said, my voice heavy with regret.

"We must protect those we can." The warrior’s cries ceased as the wall enveloped him completely, freezing him in time.

With a heavy heart, I turned my focus back to the path ahead.

As we made it to the Iwi tribe, I saw Jia and her mother, Ilene Andrews.

Jia immediately noticed my distress and began using sign language.

"What happened?" she signed quickly.

"Mothra... frozen in time," I signed back, my fingers moving with urgency.

"A wall of frozen time is advancing. We must evacuate." Jia's eyes widened in horror, and she quickly relayed the information to Ilene.

Ilene's face paled as she looked between Jia and me.

"How close is it?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Too close," I signed and Jia repeated to Ilene.

"We must move now." Jia turned to her mother, her hands a blur as she signed,

"We need to get everyone to safety. Kong says the wall is coming fast." Ilene nodded, swallowing hard.

"Alright. I'll gather the people. Jia, stay with Kong. He'll keep you safe." Jia nodded, her expression resolute.

She looked back at me, her eyes filled with determination.

"Let's save my people," she signed.

∞3rd person pov∞

The other Iwi tribe members, watching the conversation between Kong and Jia, began communicating in sign language.

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