Chapter 2

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Two hours before meeting Gina...

Should I go? What if she will say no? What if she won't even remember me?

I clutched my backpack closer to the bench as one of the city buses passed. The station would close soon for the night, I had to get my ass moving. Yes or no? Gina or not? I could probably find somewhere else to sleep tonight, that shouldn't be a problem. But it would have been rad to see her again...

"Oh, it was... Mona, right?"

That would be the best I could hope for.

"Have I seen you before?"

That would be the worst.

I shook my head. Focus. Where else could I stay tonight, if not with her? Olivia had her friends over, so she didn't have a place. Jo would have, though, and maybe I could even spend the night in her bed. But no... It was complicated. I had stayed there for too long the last couple of weeks and... It always got messy when you got too involved with someone. Better then to simply pass a night and leave. Life was easier that way.

So, Gina... Would she be the choice this night? I guess if she didn't want me, or even recognised me, I could always find someone else. I had stayed one night in the basement of Rufus' bar, in the end. Not directly quiet, but it would do. Okay... I picked up the guitar and the backpack. Gina it is then... I took a deep breath. It will work out, I told myself. She'll be happy to see me. I hope.

I left the station as the sun set. Her friend had spilled the beans at the party, and told me her address, so at least I knew where I was going. Hope she told the truth, that's all.

"Hey, I don't know if you remember me..." No, that would be a lame way to greet her.

"Gina, nice to see you!" God no, way too rushed.

"That's a great place you have" No, even though I'm sure that was true. She'd had posh clothes at the party, and her flat lay in one of the best areas of town. Even so, not something you'd point out on your first meeting.

I mulled over my opening line and almost missed the door once I arrived at her flat. I straightened my worn jacket. She'll remember me, don't worry. I put my finger on the doorbell. It's only for the night, it will be fine. I rang.

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