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Authors Pov:

Jungkook immediately reached the hospital and rushed to the receptionist sitting there, he told her the patient name and checking in her system she let him knew the room number.

As soon as mary spot jungkook, she rushed to him hugging him and bursted into tears.
Jungkook seeing mary was tensing up, he patted her back and controlled his tears as well.
They pulled back from the back.
"How is my son??? Is he ok?? What did the doc say?? Nothing is serious right???"
Jungkook bombarded her with lots of questions, but she answered none.
Jungkook saw doctor coming their way, he hurried his steps towards him asking him all of it again.
"Mr.Jeon please calm down he has lost lots of blood, situation is critical now we cant say anything"

Jungkook was numb listening to that and completely angry,
He immediately grabbed his collar and was ready to throw a punch but mary grabbed his arms, stopping him from doing so.
"No dont fucking say that!! Save him at any cost ill pay you with whatever you would say please save my son, please"
He said tears rushing down and begging him with his joined hands.
"Mr. Jeon please calm down, we'll get back to you after a while" doctor said sighing understanding his condition and left the place with few nurses following him.

There was a bench near the room, jungkook was completely broken at that point, he trudged towards the seat and losely sat on the bench
Having a blank mind.

His appearance was completely messed up, his disheaveled hair, his loosened tie, shirt was half inside and half lose.
He held his head with his hands whixh was rested on the knees.
Closing his eyes he let the tears flow.
Flashes of jiyeon and aryas image xrossed his mind making it difficult for him to breathe, he held his chest and that was not the new its been a year he has been having chest pain.

I know am not the god's favorite child I even know ive done bad to someone worst infact, but my son?? That innocent what did he even do to face this shit, he is innocent
Im not a religious guy, but if you are hearing me, dont let my son pay for my sins am ready for whatever punishment  coming my way but spare my son from all this, please I beg of you, I havent complained of the things which is being happening in my life for since past few year, but not on my son, if something would happen to him I know I would not be able to live further.

He was internally praying for his son and after half two hours doctors came back spotting jugkook who had his head rested against the wall deep in his thoughts and mary had her head rested against his shoulder completely tired, doc placed a hand on his shoulder

He jolted up as soon as he saw him, mary woke up too. They looked at him with a hopeful eyes hoping for a positive news from him.

"He is out of danger now"
As soon as they heard it both lf them release sigh of relief.
Mary again sobbed out of happiness jungkook looked at her with a smile however he is in tears too wrapping an arms towards her he looked at doctor and thanked him
"Thanks a lot doctor, you saved my life" he said wiping away the tears.

"Thats my job Mr.Jeon, take care of him he will be in the hospital for a while he is under observation"
Jungkook nodded and doctor left.
Jungkook hurried his steps to the OT and looked at his son from the small circled glass window. He touched it and his heart broke looking at all the wires attached to his small body

Am sorry for being a mean father to you my son.

He internally cussed himself for not loving him enough,

His went off, he looked at the caller Id and it was one of his man who looks after the work he handles,

Sighing he picked up the call and had his eyes fixed on his son.

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