Apostle Ghost

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Jihoon lay in the hospital bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling above. He was a handsome teenager, with strong build and shaggy hair that covered his eyes. As his thoughts drifted back to his previous life, he remembered the years spent dedicated to Deajunwan - a life of learning to kill before any other skills. While others his age were in school or experiencing love, Jihoon was carrying out missions, fighting for his life in Afghanistan. As he grew older, he had become a legend across the globe.

Jihoon felt his anger growing as he lay in the hospital bed, unable to move. All those years of dedication to Deajunwan, all those missions, all that training, and they had thrown him away like a piece of trash. His heart ached as he thought about the injustice of his death at their hands.

"Never, never, never," he muttered to himself, his jaw clenched. "I made them what they are today, and this is how they repay me. I will never forgive them, never.".

Jihoon fought against the pain that was making him unable to move, his anger boiling within him at the thought of Sejeongwon's cruel mistreatment. He gritted his teeth as he sat up on the hospital bed, his grip tearing apart the bed frame.

"Those bastards," he muttered to himself, his voice filled with rage. "How dare they treat me like trash. I'll kill every last one of them, every last Sejeongwon. I'll eradicate their empire once and for all."

With a determined look on his face, Jihoon stood up from the shattered bed frame. His heart was set on revenge, and he was going to make sure that Sejeongwon would pay for what they had done to him.

Jihoon's mind raced with memories of the person who killed him. As he looked out the hospital window, he tried to calm himself down. He gritted his teeth as he recalled the name of his murderer, "Lineman".

Meanwhile, Lineman was inside a chauffeur-driven car, heading to the casino. He felt confident that his boss would be pleased with the news of Ghost's death. As they pulled up to the casino, Lineman couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As he got out of the car and walked towards the casino, he was met with the sound of screams. He was terrified and was in shock, As he attempted to open the door and see what is going inside.

Lineman slowly opened the door, his eyes widening in shock as he gazed at the scene before him. Blood was splattered everywhere, covering the walls and paintings. The bodies of his bodyguards lay on the ground, their throats slit.

His anger boiled as he tried to make sense of the tragedy in front of him. "Who dared to attack my men?", he thought. "Who dared to destroy my place?" He clenched his fists, determined to find the perpetrator and bring them to justice.

As he stepped into the casino, his eyes scanned the room, searching for any signs of the attacker. The sound of chuckle took him off-guard, As he glanced at the corner of the room, to see a youngman sitting in a table.

As Lineman stared at the teenager sitting at a table playing cards, a look of confusion and suspicion spread across his face. "You?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as he analyzed the boy from head to toe. "Did you do this?"

Jihoon smirked at Lineman's accusation. "Does it seem like I would have survived if I didn't?" he mocked.

Lineman's jaw clenched as he clenched his fists in anger. "You're oddly familiar," he said through gritted teeth. "You seem skilled, able to take out my entire men. Who are you?"

Jihoon simply shrugged, refusing to give away his identity. "I'm surprised that you would say that, Lineman," he said, his eyes darting around the room as he tried to gauge the situation.

As Lineman stared at the teenager sitting at a table playing cards, a look of confusion and suspicion spread across his face. "You?" he asked, narrowing his eyes as he analyzed the boy from head to toe. "Did you do this?"

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