-=+=- Chapter 9: ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE UP!? -=+=-

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-Previously on Half Human... Half Lion-

"These are tools, not toys. Bear them well and wisely. Now, I must be off winter is almost over and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years. Long Live Aslan! And Merry Christmas!" he said then rode away in his sled. We all respond Merry Christmas to him.

"Told you he was real," Lucy said to her sister. Susan just gave a look.

"He sad winter is almost over. So do you know what that means?" Peter looked at us with concern. "No more ice."

-And now on Half Human... Half Lion-

Leona's POV

We all put the weapon on us so we don't loose them. I put my dagger covered belt around my waist and my messenger bag over my shoulder. we all run to a river that we need to cross before the ice started to melt. When we reached the river, it was already breaking.

"We need to cross, now!" Peter ordered.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy ask.

"I'm not that fast, dear!" Mr. Beaver answered.

"Come on!" Peter said then grabbed his sister's hand. I followed the two majesties.

"Wait! Will you think about this for a minute?" Susan started with a question.

"We don't have a minute!" Peter answered

"I'm just trying to be realistic," Susan said calmly.

"No, you're trying to be smart. As usual" Peter said again in the same tone as before. I thought it was a compliment at first but then I heard the usual. We climb down the small mountain with a few turns here and there but we finally got down, we could hear pieces of the ice breaking even when we haven't touched the ice. Peter gets one foot on the ice but breaks.

"If this ice breaks when we're on it, what's going to happen?" I ask in fear.

"I don't know. Wait! maybe I should go first," Mr. Beaver volunteered

"Maybe you should," Peter said walking away from the ice. he walks across the ice steady and easy, he would pat his tail every once in a couple of steps.

"You've been sneaking seconds helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver asks a bit angered.

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last," he reasoned

"Especially with your cooking," he mumbled to himself, but I was able to hear. We all take a step onto the ice. We hear a broken sound but doesn't break. We continue to walk across steady and easily.

"If mom knew what we were doing-"

"Mum's not here!" Peter cuts off his sister Susan. We continue to walk but we get distracted my the wolfs. They have been following us!

"Run!" Peter yelled and we followed. Our path gets blocked by Muagrim, head of the secret police. We walk backward but the ice we've past is starting to break. Mr. Beaver tried to defend us but he has a wolf on his neck push him down into the ice.



"Put that down boy. Someone could get hurt," Muagrim started.

"Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Mr. Beaver screamed trying to escape.

"Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you," Muagrim continues.

"Stop, Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan said taking his side.

"Smart girl," Muagrim compliments.

"Peter don't listen to him! He's working with the White Witch! For all we could know is that he might be lying!" I told him.

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!" Mr. Beaver said taking my side.

"Not so smart girl," Muagrim insulted but I really don't care! "Oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my queen wants is for you to take your family and go," Muagrim explains.

"Look, just because of some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it!" Susan argues.

"No, Peter! Narnia needs ya! Gut him while you still have a chance!" Mr. Beaver said reasoning.

"What's it going to be, Son of Adam? I won't wait forever and neither will the river," Muagrim ask him.

"Peter! Just listen to me for a minute! If you drop your sword and leave Narnia when we have come this far and this close to rescuing your brother, that classified as giving up! If you kill Muagrim when he's the head of the police, that's classified as a murder and in Narnia, if you murder someone you will be sent to hanging! To me, they both sound bad but I have one question for you! Does a hero give up? Does The Son of Adam give up? Does a King of Narnia give up?" I explain everything to him with a question. When I finished my speech I heard the ice from the waterfall crack.

"Peter!" Lucy screamed.

"Hold onto me!" Peter instructed. He stabbed his sword into the ice. We all look and see the waterfall finally broken and one huge piece from the waterfall falls onto the remaining ice and makes a huge wave that covers us. We finally reach the surface and we gasp for air and we're covered in water. The beavers push and pulled the ice onto land and we get off the ice but one problem. Where's Lucy?!

"What have you done?!" Susan asks scared, "Lucy?! Lucy?!"

"Has anyone seen my coat?" A little voice says from behind us. We all turn around to find Lucy walking towards us. Thank god!

"Don't worry dear, your brother's got you well looked after, " Mr. Beaver reminded her.

"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore," Mrs. Beaver told us. We all look in her direction and see beautiful trees blooming. We all walk forward. We leave our coats somewhere in a branch and continue to my Fathers camp.

Half Human, Half Lion {A Narnia Fanfiction} -Completed-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon