12. The priest s clothing

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Let's look now at the priests clothing. In church even small things are meaningful, and we can learn much when we observe Father in his full priestly array.

The priests podraznik reminds us of the clothes in which Jesus Christ walked while here on earth. The Fathers of the Church called this the clothing of salvation and joy. The maniples, or cuffs, on the priest's wrists signify the bonds with which Christ's hands were bound.

The zone, or belt girding his waist is a sign of God's help, which strengthens the priest during the service. It represents the towel with which the Lord was girded when He washed His disciples' feet.

The epitrachelion, or stole, represents the yoke of the heavy cross that the priest's Christ-loving soul has taken upon itself. He tries to fulfill the spiritual needs of his parishioners, setting aside his own desires. It may happen for example that someone is very sick. The priest may have to go to him even in the middle of the night to give him Holy Communion. The epitrachelion around his neck reminds us of the Cross that the Lord carried on His own shoulders.

The priest then clothes himself in the outer, colorful phelonion, the garment of truth, which reminds us of the garment in which our Lord was clothed during His sufferings.

The deacon's stole—the orarion represents the wings of the angels who serve at the throne of God.

In the Orthodox Church everything we see calls forth a feeling of reverence and piety when we understand its meaning.

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