Chapter Twenty-Four

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I snuggled up to Finn as he pulled the blanket over our naked bodies. “You never seize to amaze me.” He smiled holding me close. I yawned smiling at him.

“Why?” He looked down at me.

“Why you amaze me?” I nodded. “Well, because you just do.” He picked up the dog tags that hung around my neck, fingering the letters on them. “You are just like no one I have ever met.” He dropped them so they slipped back in between my breasts.

“We just had sex in my Grandparents house.” I wrinkled my nose making him laugh. “Isn’t there something morally wrong with that?” I asked sitting up pulling the quilt around me as I walked to my dresser.

“Not to a Marine, Baby. We are just horny dogs that always want it.” I rolled my eyes pulling on some pajamas.

“What am I getting myself into then?” I giggled as he sat up.

“The time of your life.” He laughed to himself. I laid back down as Finn got up. “Do you mind if I go take a shower?” He asked kissing my head.

“No, go ahead. I think I’m going to take a nap anyway.” He smiled smugly making me smack his arm. “Don’t give me that look.”

“It’s just a boost to my ego.” He pulled on his shorts that were lying next to the bed. I rolled my eyes at him as I pulled my blanket up and closed my eyes.

“Your ego is big enough.” I giggled at him as he left the room and I slipped into a light sleep…

I could feel someone’s fingers running down the side of my face. I knew it was Fin by the trail of flames that followed. I groaned waking up. “I’m sorry.” Finn whispered. I whimpered moving into his chest to cover my face. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.  You looked so peaceful.” I pulled back to look at him rubbing my eyes. “You have the face that makes me just want to run my fingers over it.” I grunted, pulling the covers over my head.

“What time is it?” I yawned pulling back to look at him.

“A little after 7.” I rubbed my eyes putting my hand back onto his chest.

“I’m still tired.” I sighed looking up at him. “Emotionally, mentally, and physically.” I watched as he smirked at the last one. His smile was gone though when his fingers ran over the bruise on my cheek. “I’m tired of dealing her, Finny. I’m tired of the nightmares.” I looked away from him and out of the window in my room. “I just want to start over, away from the people that hurt me. But it’s like it will never happen.” Finn kissed my head.

“It will get better. Trust me, it always does.” I shook my head.

“I don’t think it ever will.” I sighed snuggling my face into his arm. We just laid there in silence till there was a knock at the door. I looked over to see my Grandfather.

“We got take-out.” I nodded sitting up. “Come on down.” I ran a hand through my hair as Finn got up as well.

“Come on, you need something to eat.” Finn said pushing me gently off the bed to get me onto my feet. My mind was elsewhere, and he knew it.  We went downstairs to see my grandparents taking out Asian take-out from a bag. I sat at the table to rustle Matty’s hair.

“Sissy no. Not the hair.” He huffed at me smacking at my hand. I laughed at him stealing a chip off of his table. “Annie!” He said in shock as I put the chip into my mouth.

“Too bad.” I smiled as Finn helped bring the food over.

“Nana!” He yelled as I took another sticking my tongue out at him.

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