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Jordyn Mae is my name, my mother is indeed a wich and she dead protecting me and she died when I was 10 years old. I have one other sibling that I know of and I don't even know how to find him or her, I have the power to use fire balls, freeze you literally, and read minds, and I simmer, I'm not evil but I was just born that way.

Jordyn pov
I was walking through the demon market, while I'm walking I see this blanket with an amazing simbol. "Excuse me? Where'd you get this from?" I asked the demon "the charmed ones, they had a baby, very magical may I add" she said and I nodded "I'll take it for how much?" I asked "5" she said I gave her the coins and took the blanket and thought of the charmed ones and I simmered to their front door, I hesitate before knocking then a woman with red hair answered. "Hello may I help you?" She asked "um I found this at the demon marker and it's yours so I decided to return it" I said giving her the blanket "oh um come in" she said letting me in, we walk in and she leads me to the kitchen to see the other sisters. "Paige...who's this?" Piper asked "a demon who returned your blanket" Paige said putting the blanket on the table "well what powers do you have?" Phoebe asked I made a fire ball, then a I grabbed in apple and thought of bad things and it froze, and last but not least I stared at Paige to read her mind. "You don't think I'm good" I say "who?" Piper asked "well Paige but I'm guessing ya'll think it too" I said "ok how do you teleport?" Phoebe asked strangely "i shimmer" I answer "who is your father?" Paige asked "my father died from a mission he wanted to defeat.." I said looking down "your mother? " phoebe asked "well its kinda weird but it was a seer who gave birth to me but I know she wasn't my mother, she told me my mother was dead" I said "well maybe we can find your father, we bring spirits don't we?"Paige said she grabs my hand and takes me up to their attic, once we are up there she starts lighting candles then a guy orbed in and I think it's the whitelighter. "Paige - what are you doing?" He asked "well Chris I'm gonna summon her father to see its who I think it is" Paige said finished I look at her whitelighter weirdly because I'm dating him, Paige said some words I said to her and I saw my dad appear,paige looked at him with such hate and shock then looked at me and I shrugged. "Probably why I can shimmer and use fireballs" I say innocently I looked at Chris and he bite his lip knowing I'm his girlfriend. "So wait, your from the future then?" Paige asked I look down and bite my lip "you won't believe what am a gonna say but, phoebe had that demon child remember then the seer took that child? Well when you think she died, she gave birth, to me" I said she looked so shocked she had to sit down. "I'm not supposed to change the future anymore than i want to but you can't tell phoebe!" I say then looked at Chris and simmered out hoping he'll follow

My house
I walked around my house looking for my book of spells that I created.
To call a lover
"Be he far or be he near bring me the lover who I came here with" I chanted and a few seconds later Chris appeared and I jumped into his arms and kissed him. "Baby I missed you so much" I mumbled into the kiss, he pulled away and smiled at me. "I missed you to babe, I promise we will be together tonight so they won't think anything of it" He said I kissed him roughly then pulled away "ok see ya tonight baby" I said and he orbed out, I put my book in the basement and went to my room and choose out a little outfit for chris.

Later that night
Chris orbed in and I came out of the bathroom in the little outfit, he turned around and his eyes widened. "Baby, you know I'm not a bad girl right?" I asked pouting walking towards him, he picks me up and lays me down and begins kissing my neck slowly. Once he had his shirt off someone had to orb in and I groaned, and put my robe on. "DAMIT everytime" I said laying back down "Chris what the hell are you doing?" I hear Leo asked leo!? I immediately sit up and run a hand threw my hair. "For starters he was gonna sleep with his girlfriend, second how'd you know if no other demons were here?" I asked wanting him to go "I know you'd never hurt Chris, and girlfriend? " He said "yeah I'm his girlfriend in 14 years into the future" I said wanting him to leave like now "leo can you go?" Chris asked leo looked at me then at Chris and I was so annoyed I had a fire ball in my hand, I made go out then froze him and stood up. "I'll take him home he'll defrost by 8am tomorrow, I'll be right back" I say kissing Chris I walked to leo and shimmered to their house with him "uh, what?" Piper asked "he orbed in on- something and I got pissed don't worry he'll be fine, I gotta go bye!" I say smiling sarcastically then shimmered back home and saw Chris getting held by my dad's friend and I felt a knife go through my back and I gasped and fell to the ground. "You see, we never liked cole and we want you to be with your dad, die slowly sweetheart" He said and they both blinked out and Chris ran to me "No! Jordyn stay with me, I'll get you time the girls" He said and he orbed us to the living room "piper! Phoebe! We have a problem! Hurry" Chris yelled they all came running down and saw me dying "they only who can heal is leo but he-" Piper started but I cut her off by slowly bringing leo closer into the room, once he was in my target I started shooting fireballs at it and it started to melt and I stop because I'm too weak. "Guys you can't heal her, she's a demon" phoebe said "she's a wich also phoebe..."Paige said looking at me Piper got some medicine and started putting preasure on the wound while they unfreeze leo, once leo was unfrozen Chris pushed him towards me and begged him to save me.

Chris pov
I pushed leo towards Jordyn and I saw her eyes shutting, once he started healing her she still looked weak. "You only healed my wich side but I know a demon who called heal me entierly, thanks leo" she said

Jordyn pov
Once leo healed me I thanked him and Chris pulled me into the hall way. "We can not let that happen again" He said putting his forehead against mine and I smiled "I agree" I say then we jump away to see Paige kinda shocked, I bite my lip and played with my nails. "Hey paige, what's up?" Chris asked clearing his throat "well I wanted to ask you if you knew cole was your father?" Paige asked I slowly nodded "yes but I had a reason to do what I did, you were supposed to do what you did to save phoebe and cole's future together" I say "they are not and will not be together" Paige said "I really wanna tell you but I cant, look I gotta go see you around" I said and shimmered to my house

My house
Once I got there I changed into something more evil, then I grabbed my athema and shimmered to the demon. "Ah see I knew you'd come here, see the only way to heal the other half is to kill the other half, maybe you can do me a favor before you die unless you want your little boyfriend dead by me a, darklighter" He said coming up to me and with his bow too, I nod slowly and he told me he wants Wyatt. I shimmer to the house and walked upstairs tears running down my face, I decided to simmer upstairs to the book and find something. I touched the book and it let me, I looked for a whitelighter vanquish and once I found one I ran downstairs and started making one right away, while I was putting the potion in the bottle someone came down and touched my arm and I jumped. "What are you doing here? With a potion to vanquish a darklighter" piper asked "I can't tell you, but it's for the best I promise no one will get hurt" I said and simmered to the attic and started to summon the darklighter, I hid the potion in my boot without being noticable. "Did you do the job I asked you sweetheart? "He asked rubbing my cheek and I slapped his hand "no I didn't i-" I started "well if you don't get me that baby, your little whitelighter boyfriend dies" He said and I went to grab the potion but he stepped on it and his bow appeared and aimed for me but Chris orbed in and took it for me and I gasped. "No!" I yelled tears running down my face, I had a huge fireball in my hands and he smirked at me. "Now now you wouldn't do that, if you wanna see cole" He said and I got madder "don't talk about him!" I said gonna fire the ball "oh you wouldn't use magic in front of a child would you?" He asked pointing behind me and I saw piper, Wyatt, and phoebe standing there I turn back to the demon and let the fire ball out. "There there, I heared your a rare one, part wich, part demon, and part whitelighter" He said and his bow appeared again and I was to shock to move, I got my head together and told piper to get out of here because she had whitelighter kids. "You wouldn't hurt me, not even if you tried" I said helping Chris "baby, try orbing to leo, he needs to heal you" I whisper to him then once he orbed away I turned back to the demon and had a fire ball in my hands. "You wouldn't kill me, you want to see your father? Cole" He said smirking because phoebe was here "if you bring him, he sees you trying to kill me, he'll return and kill you, so I think it's a win win" I say and kicked the bow out of his hands, he grabbed me by my neck and I closed my eyes and when I open them I'm in the underworld. I look around then feel something shoot inside me and I feel it's the arrow, I lay on the floor gasping for air and he smiled evily.

Phoebe pov
Once I had the potion ready I ran up to the attic but no one was there, then Chris and leo orbed in and I bite my lip nervously. "Where's Jordyn? " Chris asked "why didn't I know I had a daughter?" I asked "what?" Chris asked in shock I knew "oh her little darklighter friend took her to the underworld probably" I said and he turned really red "what!? How could you let that happen!?" He yelled "Chris calm down!" Leo said he jerked him off of him and orbed

Jordyn pov
I was almost dead when I saw little orbs, I breathe in and out slowly and sweating so much. "Oh my god" He mumbled and ran to me, he picked up my head and he kissed me then he orbed me to the house. "Wyatt, he's coming....from the future" I mumble weak

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