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Jordyn pov
He orbed me to the girls house and had leo heal me, I walk to the book and flipped threw it. "I wanna see if I'm in here"i mumble after a few seconds I found me
Evil source
A rare being who is part witch, demon, and whitelighter, the most powerful one comes from the source of all evil once he is dead the baby is Bron and grows up to be the new source.
I read out loud and we'll I didn't expect that, I looked for a vanquish potion and saw none. "Well that's nice to know that they don't have a vanquish potion for me" I said "Jordyn, you have to tell them" Chris said "tell us what?" Leo asked "well, Wyatt....he is coming back from the future to come get me and Chris back" I said then right after I said it the portal opened and I slapped myself literally because I jinxed it. "Damit I always jinx it!" I said "Hello Jordyn, chris,....dad" Wyatt said "did you turn him?" Wyatt asked looking at me "I never said I could nor would" I said and he walked closer to me slowly, I took a step back and gulped. "Jordyn, you and I both know we have a secret you don't want Chris knowing, am I right?" He asked smirking and I look at Chris then at him with a glare. "You wouldn't dare touch me, nor tell him" I say with confidence "is will tell him on my own time" I said again "tell me what?" Chris asked Wyatt walked back to the portal "well I will be back soon " He said and left, I sighed and walked downstairs nervously "Jordyn what do you have to tell me?" He asked "well you know when you asked me to marry you and I said yes, and how we you know after that in the basement?" I said nervously he starts to nod "Chris........Im pregnant" I said and closed my eyes sighing "we have a way to get rid of you demon power- oh are we intrupting something?" Paige asked I look over to see Paige and phoebe standing there worried "yes" "no" me and Chris said at the same time "why didn't you tell me before! ? I would've left you there!" Chris yelled "it's not any better there than here Chris I'm fine! Please don't be upset" I said holding his shoulders "ok maybe I can help, tell me what's up" phoebe said and I look down "Jordyn is pregnant" Chris mumbled and phoebe's smile dropped into a frown "oh well what?- and is the- and your my-" phoebe said and every time she asked a question she was right "oh well Chris don't be upset it will be fine once we delete the demon help we'll take her to the doctor to my take sure she's ok " phoebe said "alright " He said and we walked into the kitchen "well if we vanquished cole's demon self and he still lived we can do you too" Paige said "you can't vaquish me unless.......you reverse the pregnancy to you again and drink from the springs to make me good" I said "ok well its time to time travel, shall we" Paige said

Time travel Time
"Ok first we bless you with the spirits" Paige said laying me down and spraying holy water over me "paige! I'm a demon not a vampire" I squeal "sorry can't help but be safe" she said laughing

48 hours later (cause I'm a lazy ass who don't wanna give you details)
Phoebe and Paige came back, I grabbed their hands and shimmered to the springs. "Ok grab a bottle full paige" I tell her "ok now to the kitchen " I said shimmering to the kitchen where piper and Chris were " ok we have it, now grab the holy water, sugar, and chocolate, I wanna love chocolate" I said and once we had the ingredients I started my work.
"Book" I say and my book shimmered in my hands
I started making the potion
1 pinch salt
1 cup of sugar
Amount of water from the springs.
Mangrate root
Then once I threw the tatoo picture inside it blew up lightly. "Ok it's done, all you need to do is drink it" I said pouring it into a glass, she slowly took a drink and we saw orbs swirling around her belly and I smiled knowing it worked. "Ok try using your demon powers" piper said I tried shimmering, using my fire balls, and freezing people. "Nothing, absolutely nothing" I said then threw my hands up and I kinda levitated "ok well I guess I can sorta levitate" I said threw in my hand on my lap and I blew up the plant. "and blow up" I said "ok well that's good, no more bad magic" Paige said I smiled and nodded "thanks guys!" I said hugging them "so how's are little grand daughter!" They asked in a baby voice and I started running into the living room. "Piper phoebe and Paige are being the crazy ladies who love babies again!" I yelled laughing "oh goodness" I hear piper say upstairs then there was a knock on the door, we all stop and walk to door carefully and open it to see............Leo?
"Why are you knocking?" I asked "yeah why didn't you orb? " phoebe asked then all of a sudden leo orbed in and I looked between both of them and got confused. "Um leo, you have a twin!" I said then was grabbed by the other Leo "or nah" I said smiling nervously while he was holding me in the choke hold, I grabbed his waist and spun me to face him, and I made myself look seductive then orbed a knife to me and stabbed him from behind and he was vanquished. "I always hated that demon, I dated him, not such a boyfriend if he left you in a valcano" I said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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