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Soft whimpering echoed through the room. It had woken me about twenty minutes ago, but I didn't know what to do. The room was pitch black except for the light shining through the bottom of the closed bathroom door. The crying coming from behind the door ripped out my heart, smashed it and threw the broken pieces into the ocean outside. I didn't know whether to pretend I never heard her or get up and try to help. I was a human train-wreck and would probably only make things worse. I laid there in the darkness contemplating what to do. This couldn't all just be over Declan and I. She may have liked him, but not to the extent that she would ruin everything we had worked on the past few days. She had spoken to Declan only a few times at most; all of it would have been small talk. I know I hadn't known him long, but I couldn't deny what I felt for him, even in such a short time. I felt like a dumb lovesick girl whenever I thought of him. He made my stomach turn in knots and erupt in butterflies. The crying continued and my worry was beginning to outshine my reservations and I quickly slipped out of bed and walked over quietly to the bathroom door. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door. "Chelsea," I whispered. "Chelsea, come on, let me in." When she didn't respond I sank down to the floor with a sigh. I leant my head against the door. "Chelsea, please, let me make this right." Again, there was no response. I sat up on my knees and tried the handle. I was surprised that it wasn't locked and opened with ease. I swung the door open to find Chelsea sitting on the bathroom floor, tears stained her face and her eyes were red and swollen. The entire scene made my heart ache all over again. I crawled over and sat down crossed legged next to her.

"Chels," I started. But she shook her head and turned away. "This is about more than Declan isn't it?"

"Maybe," she rasped out quietly.

"You can talk to me," I whispered. She just shook her head as silent tears continued to roll down her cheeks.

"There's no point," she croaked. I sighed trying to think of something to say to make it better. I couldn't force her to tell me anything if she didn't want to. She turned away from me wiping the tears from her eyes. After a few moments of silence, her breathing had slowed to a steadier pace and the tears had stopped.

"Thalia," her voice broke out breaking the silent air. "She can be controlling and I just want to please her, to fit in. I mean they're my friends. I don't have anyone else, " she sucked in a deep breath. "There's always been aspects of my life she's controlled - what I ate, what I wore. The newest part was guys. All the girls have boyfriends now, or at least guys their interested in – except for me. So when I heard about Declan, I thought he could be my chance. But I wasn't really into him - I was into the idea of a boyfriend I guess, and Declan was so sweet and polite. He was also rich which would've grabbed Thalia's attention even more." She rubbed her hands over her face. "I know I'm a terrible person for thinking so shallowly. But it's true. He was what I needed to please Thalia. To please them all."

I was rendered speechless. She had mentioned wanting to please Thalia earlier but I had no idea the extent Chelsea was wrapped around Thalia's skinny little finger. I didn't know if I should respond or how to help. But as Chelsea looked over to me with her sad eyes I knew I had to say something. She had opened up to me and I couldn't let her down.

"I'm sorry Chels," I mumbled. "I know you told me about her, that night I found you drinking. I didn't realise it was so bad. I thought it was the drunken stupor talking last time."

"It is that bad."

"I see that now," I nodded. "But you are wrong about one thing, you do have other people who care about you. I told you before and I'll tell you again, I do care about you. I know you hate me right now, but I do. You have a clean slate in front of you. High school's done and you can start again. Maybe we both need to take control of our lives."

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