CHAPTER NINE: Overachieving Underdogs

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I was up bright and early the next morning, ready to start my first day as an intern. I met up with Gwendolyn and Emily for breakfast, which consisted of the fluffiest pancakes and juiciest sausages I had ever eaten. The Snapp-dragon – who sat with girls from her residence hall – kept her distance, though I could see her looking over at our table from time to time.

Our first class, "Godmother Is Watching You: Inside the Government of C.A.F.E.," took place promptly at nine o'clock. The other thirteen trainees and I filed into the classroom and sat down under the watchful eye of Madam Fairweather.

"Good morning, ladies," she said. "Today I will discuss the hierarchy of our organization. It is important to understand how C.A.F.E. works if you want to become a part of it one day."

She pulled out her magic wand, which was topped with a silvery star like so many others. Instead of ribbons, however, hers had thin, shiny red tinsel wrapped around the base. She faced a large poster attached to the wall, depicting a flow chart, and used her magic wand as a pointer.

"All fourteen of you ladies are here." Madam Fairweather tapped the top of the poster, where the words INTERNSHIP PROGRAM had been written in flowing script. "If you pass the certifying exam at the end of four months, you will be asked to come onboard as a full-fledged employee. You will be presented with your own wand, to be personalized by yourself."

Sasha raised her hand. "What will the certifying exam be like?"

"That will depend on your specialty and your trainer. In the past, some interns have been asked to treat poisoned patients at Mount Seasprite Hospital. Others have hunted down witches with their trainers." Madam Fairweather paced across the front of the room. "The important thing is to take advantage of our hands-on internship. Learn as much as you can from your trainer, and you will do well."

I peeked around the room and saw that each of the other girls were listening with rapt attention, including the Snapp-dragon.

"So let's say you've passed your exam with flying colors. You are now a fairy godmother. Some women at C.A.F.E. remain at this stage forever. They are content to do an adequate job until they retire, normally around the age of 85." She looked around at each of us. "However, those who strive for excellence will want a chance to shine. They will achieve stunning successes in their field. Perhaps a romance specialist orchestrates a staggeringly good match between two kingdoms. Or a witch-fighter pulls a dozen clients out of sticky situations."

Gwendolyn raised her hand. "My trainer told me that a top fairy godmother has to tutor many successful interns."

"That's correct," Madam Fairweather said. "To be considered a success, one must not only help one's clients, but also one's colleagues. In fact, those who have had twelve relatively successful interns, seven very successful interns, or three extremely successful interns are considered for an open seat in the House of Godmothers." She gazed around the room. "Who can tell us something about this ruling body?"

I raised my hand. "It has 77 spots granted to the best and the brightest godmothers. If you're considered, you have to study and do well on your review in order to win a seat."

"Very good, Noelle. That's exactly right."

To my left, Jessaline scowled.

Madam Fairweather turned back to the board, tapping her wand on the label HOUSE OF GODMOTHERS. "If you earn a seat in the House, you will be able to make your voice heard. Like the world, C.A.F.E. policies are ever-changing. Fresh ideas are needed to help optimize our influence and client outcomes." She moved her wand down to the bottom of the flow chart. "Should you excel here, you will then be promoted to the Council, which has . . ."

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