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The Jeep smelled strongly of dust and old, rusting metal. Not that Ashton minded, however, as long as the vehicle provided them a safe way back to the park. She didn't count on it, though; after all, how safe could one be on an island filled with dinosaurs?

"I thought you failed your driver's test," Gray commented warily as Zach slid into the driver's seat. The idea made Ashton's heart lurch, though she couldn't really say anything, as she failed the test to get her driver's permit the first time. Though still, she sent Zach an uneasy glance, but he only smiled reassuringly.

"Only the driving part."

Gray sat in the back seat of the old, worn out Jeep, though he still managed to grip on to Ashton's shoulder as the vehicle hit several rocks and roots throughout the jungle. Branches hit the windshield, causing leaves to fly off of them and hit the two teenagers and pre-teen in the face. Zach blamed his horrible driving on the rough terrain- which Ashton found somewhat believable, as they were currently riding in a twenty-year-old Jeep through a dense, overgrown forest.

Though that didn't stop her from letting out a short, yet loud scream as Zach almost crashed the vehicle into a tree. "I swear, if I survived being attacked by a gigantic, monstrous hybrid dinosaur, only to be killed by your horrible driving, I am going to murder you, Zachary. And it wont be pretty."

Despite her serious tone and the scowl on her face, Zach couldn't help but laugh at her words. "Relax, baby girl. Before you know it, we'll be back at the park safe and sound, and you'll be thanking me and my horrible driving."

Ashton's heart seemed to skip a beat at what he called her, though he took no notice in her sheepishness, only smirking at the girl beside him. Her lips pulled into a small smile without her even realizing it, and she quickly looked out the window to hide the rosy tint of her cheeks as she blushed.

Not once since she had lived on the island had Ashton Grady blushed- mostly due to the fact that there wasn't anyone around her age to make her do such a thing. Though Zach seemed to have some sort of control over her, as after almost anything he said to her, she found her cheeks heating up.

She was snapped back into reality as Gray's grip on her shoulder tighten, and he shook it violently. "Zach, I suggest you drive faster," he murmured, his words laced with evident panic. Glancing backwards, Ashton noticed that the twelve year old was staring behind him. She followed his gaze, only to notice a flock of Pterosaurs flying their way. Their blood-curdling calls echoed through the air, and she didn't understand how she didn't notice them before.

Twisting back around in her seat, she frantically grabbed Zach's arm and squeezed it tightly. "Go. Drive!"

Within minutes, the flock of Pterosaurs had out-flown the old Jeep. Though most of the flying reptiles seemed to not notice the Jeep, excluding a few that attempting to swoop down and attack the teenagers inside the vehicle, causing them to scream loudly. But the rest of the Pterosaurs flew directly towards the middle of the park, where over 20,000 guests were huddled in evacuation.

Ashton, Zach and Gray were mixed in with the evacuation only seconds after the Pterosaurs reached Main Street. Why they were going towards the dinosaurs instead of away, Ashton did not know. She just hoped that Zach had some brilliant plan to reunite with his aunt Claire, and maybe Ashton with her uncle.

So she only followed him (not that she had much of a choice, as his fingers were tightly entwined with hers) as he led her and Gray through the crowd of fleeing people. It was difficult to hear what he was saying over the screeches of Pterosaurs and the screams of people as they were attacked. She only heard a few words that fell from his mouth- such as over and go.

Fearless ≫ Zach MitchellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon