You are a Girl

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Tomorrow school starts. I'm actually surprised I'm still here. I thought I would be gone by now.

I stared at the wall and moved my paint brush in soft strokes. Painting was so easy for me. Something that was always with me.

"Hey Lex" Zach said and I jumped. He was standing in the doorway.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked him. I haven't really talked to him since we kissed.

"Just wanted to talk" he scratched the back of his neck nervously

"About?" I asked but I knew what he would say.

"Our kiss." He said and I put down my paints.

I sighed and sat down on my bed. Zach walked in and sat next to me.

"I think that I like you Lex. And I think that you might like me too" he said hesitantly

"How long did it take you to come up with that?" I laughed a little

"30 minutes" he said nervously

I laughed a little at him and we sat in silence.

He stood up. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

I stood up with him "where's the fun in that? I have to keeps you entertained somehow?"

He smiled at me and pulled me close to him. He leaned in to kiss me and I put a finger to his lips.

"You can't just kiss me all the time" I smirked

"Mhmm" he mused as he leaned very close to face. I could feel his hot breath. His eyes stared into mine.

My breathing picked up a pace and his hands wrapped around my waist. He had a firm grip on me.

I bit his lips and kept steady eye contact with him. I dragged it down then let go. Just to tease him.

He chuckled and tossed me softly onto the bed where he laid down with me. He grabbed my body and pulled me close to him. He arms wrapped around me.

"Who says you can stay?" I asked with my shields rising

"No one. But you didn't say I should leave either" he said

I didn't respond and let myself drift into sleep.


I woke up to the retarded alarm that Callie bought me and reluctantly got out of bed.

Zach had disappeared so I guess he left during the night.

I did my morning routine with ease and finished quickly.

Zach is driving me to school today so I had to go to his house to tell him to get his lazy ass up. Once I managed to get him off we drove to school.

"Now if anyone gives you shit today you tell me. I rule this school." He smirked to me

"How about I just kick there ass" I smirked back at him

"Go for it Lex" he said and we got out.

The whole school was focused on us. Don't these people have lives?

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