Chapter 20: The Lights

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I walk ahead of the rest of the group, anger still bubbling inside of me as I search the city for somewhere safe to sleep for the night. The others seem to respect my need for space and make little in the way of conversation, with the only thoughts spoken concerning the direction of travel and potential buildings to stay in. I spot a block of flats across the street that appears relatively untouched by the flames that once tore through this beautiful city and I jog towards it cautiously. 

I press my ear to the door for a second, waiting for any sign of life, before I slam my foot against the door- the stained wood swinging open with a creak that echoes around the dim hallway that stretches out in front of us. Leaves twirl as the breeze enters but otherwise, the hall is completely still. I raise my gun cautiously and step inside, the others following my lead silently.

The rotten aroma of flesh swirls around us my eyes dart around, a smell that can only lead to one outcome in this world.


I shuffle forward noiselessly and crouch down at the bottom of the stairs, Ashia is secured tightly to my back and I feel her cover her nose in disgust. The others crouch down beside me and I nod my head in the direction of the stairs, Maria rises immediately and places a foot carefully against the filthy bottom step. She takes a long harboured breath and creeps forward, the steps creaking beneath her weight as she grimaces nervously. I slowly follow her footsteps and we all trail up the stairs, a dark sensation dances over my skin and I shiver in the eerie atmosphere.

My eyes drift upwards and I gulp in unexpected terror, I reach out and tug at Maria's arm gently causing her to spin around in wonder. Slowly pointing up the stairwell where a limp body hangs from the railings, swinging in a non-existent breeze. Blood drips from the draining body and flesh peels to the bone, flies crawl over ashen skin and disgust flickers across my face.

I press forward in shear repulse and continue up the stairs at a quicker pace, I approach the corner where the body hangs and I edge along the wall in caution. A long shard of metal stabs the victim to the bannister, splintering right through the stomach in a shivering angle. I gag and hurriedly tiptoe up the stairs until finally, the scent clears from my head, I crouch down and run my fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm my rapid heartbeat. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before rising and walking over to the others, Josh places a reassuring hand on my shoulder but I shake off his weak attempt painfully.

My dad gestures towards a seemingly untouched door and I give him a curt nod, edging him to enter the property. He raises his gun and opens the door with his foot, peering around the ajar door before lowering his gun and sliding inside. I walk into the apartment with a sense of relief as I find it untouched, everything pristine and intact. The curtains are drawn open, letting the golden sunlight flood in, illuminating the entire living room. The kitchen is spotless and the white granite island lays empty, only a mouldy container of fruit spoils the appearance. Two bedrooms lay untouched, beds made smoothly, but clothes are strewn across the floor in wild colours indicating someone left in a hurry.

The sun soon sets and the midnight sky settles over the towering building, I look out the window and over the dead city. Once it would have been full of lights, twinkling under a sky full of stars. But now it's empty, the only noise is the distant growls of infected.

I sit down back to back with Eli, both guarding a door or a window and flip my gun in my hands. I let out a deep sigh and stare at the dimly lit room, the white walls giving a clinical feeling. After a long period of silence, I speak up quietly, desperate for a conversation to distract me.

"Eli, what was your life like?" I ask, "before the apocalypse I mean." I feel Eli tense and let out a low whistle between his teeth, dipping his head slightly.

"It was perfect," he whispers sadly. "I had everything, amazing friends, I was the captain of the football team and got all the attention from the girls, everything..." he sighs and I chuckle to myself quietly to disguise the tears that prickle behind my eyes.

"What is it?" he questions, his voice rising at my laughter. I shake my head and my eyes fall to my gun, twirling it obsessively.

"You just remind me of someone," I mumble, "someone who I lost to the virus," I add and I feel Eli nod in understanding.

"What were they like?" he presses gently and I bite my lip, my eyes clouding over with salty water.

"He was amazing, like a brother to me," I whisper, "his name was Toby and he was Maria's big brother," I explain and he takes in a breath as understanding flickers over him.

"I-I didn't realise that..." he trails off and I just shrug numbly as a lone tear spills down my cheek, it's movement fluent and grace fall.

"I hated him to start with but I grew to love him, he was going out with my best friend Amelia. I can't believe I lost her too. Both of them were always so happy, I wish I could take back every argument and replace it with kindness. But they're gone, they didn't ask for this and it's all my fault," I cry weakly and place my head in my hands. Eli turns around and squeezes my shoulder sympathetically, his face sporting a look of sympathy illuminated by the moonlight. 

"Madeline, it's not your fault, they wouldn't want you to be sad. They'd want you to live each day for them, with Ashia, Soph and Josh." I huff and wipe my cheek feebly, irritation clawing at me. 

"Yeah well, when Josh sees sense I'll live each day with him," I spit and I hear Eli shift uncomfortably.

"Madeline what Josh said was wrong but he's not a bad person, none of us are going to live forever so don't waste it," he says forcefully and I shake my head in dismissal.

"Eli, the zombies are after me, I'm not going to survive much longer but whilst I do I'm putting everyone else at risk. One day, I'm going to leave the group and I need you to be strong for me. Please take care of Soph for me, she's stronger than I can believe but she still needs someone," I say hurriedly and he bites his lip at my words.

"Madeline don't be stupid, ok? The group needs you," he argues and I shake my head quickly.

"No, no, Eli please, you have to promise me you'll take care of her for me," I beg and he nods reluctantly.

"I promise," he sighs and I wrap my arms around him gratefully. He goes to pull away but I hold his hands in mine, keeping him close.

"One more thing," I whisper and he nods tentatively, "if the zombies capture me, I need you to shoot me."

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