Synopsis and Public Service Announcement

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An immigrant escapes abduction with nothing to his name. He finds refuge in the arms of a man with dark secrets, and an unknown origin. Theirs is a kind of love that is born out of blood, guns, and ChapStick lip balms.

Follow their journey through love and lust as chapters of their lives unfold.

Public Service Announcement

I think I’d come across this book before. Why was it taken down by WP? I failed to employ an editing eye. There was too much smut. And it wasn’t just this book that got dismissed. Two of my accounts got squashed. It was an experience I welcomed for it challenged me to better my works. I’m not afraid of starting over. It’s the story of my life. I hope that answers the question.

Why would I read this if I’ve read it before? You don’t have to, Lol. But others might want to.

This is a risky move, mister! I know. But it’s edited. It’s safe now. I learned a great deal of restraint from writing In the name of the Father. I got this now. My writing got rehabilitated.

You add songs or music per chapter. We don’t think it’s necessary, so why put them on? The title tracks help me generate ideas for the look, feel, and premise of a particular chapter. It’s what plays in my head at the beginning or end. Think opening and closing sequences in television shows. It’s similar to that effect. Videos are to your lower right should you read this online.

I don’t know, mister. If you say you edited this book, does that mean there’s less romance? Heh, you’d be surprised. I have ways. The old version was an eyesore. I think this is better.

Anything else before I start? Nah, I hope you enjoy it. Uhm, vote and comment, perhaps? Lol.

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