Ch. 6

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Have you ever had that feeling where you just can't concentrate on anything but the one thing you crave most? If it's a person or some type of food or your favorite book?

Well that's what I'm feeling now. It's been three weeks. And I can't stop this empty feeling in my chest.

I don't want it there, I really don't. But at the same time it still lets me know that I am human. Well half human that is.

I hate what that man has done to me. He's gotten into my head and he's making it almost impossible to run this away from him.

A frustrated growl left my mouth as I tried to concentrate back on my work but I just couldn't. I threw my pen onto my desk and rolled myself away from it.

"How am I supposed to do anything with you in my head all the time?" I asked the empty room like it was supposed to answer.

"I'm sorry mommy. I'll just go find Uncle Tate." A small choice said back which made me jump slightly.

I turned to see a sad looking Gracie.

"Oh. No. Sweetie. It's okay. I wasn't  talking to you." I sighed and a confused look appeared on her face.

"Then who were you talking to?" She asked walking toward me. "Mommy do you have a special friend too?"

I laughed. "What do you mean special friend?"

"Well I have Mr. Bubbles. Only I can see him. Do you have a friend like that?" She asked seriously.

"Not for a long time sweetie." I said pulling her into my lap.

"Then who were you talking to?" She said with a small pout of confusion.

"No one sweetie. You don't need to worry about it." I smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"Are you sure you're okay mommy?" She asked.

"I'm just fine sweetie."

"Kaylin?" Tate said as he opened my office door.

"Yes?" I sighed.

"We have a visitor." He said before stepping aside letting the person inside my office.

I stared at him in complete pain and confusion mixed with joy and anger before snapping back to the reality that Gracie was in my lap.

"Gracie, sweetie. Why don't you see what your cousin Jackson is doing?" I smiled at her and she nodded before running off out of the room.

Tate closed the door behind himself leaving me and this man alone.

"Kaylin." He said lowly.

"Brandon." I said as tears brimmed my eyes yet at the same time anger filled my entire being.

"Long time." He said as he sat down in the leather chair across from me.

"What the hell Brandon!" I said throwing the closest thing to me at him, which was one of Gracie's dolls.

"Hey. Calm down!" He retorted blocking the toy from hitting his face.

"You ran away! I thought you were dead!" I cried at my confusing emotions.

"I'm sorry. I went back. I promise. But I didn't know..." He stopped his thought and stared at the ground.

"You were the only thing I had left and you just ran." I said, my voice sounding weak and defeated.

"I know. I was not the brother you deserved." He said kneeling in front of me. "But that doesn't mean I stopped caring."

Cameron's POV

It was hard leaving Kaylin like that but I knew it would be the best for both of us. It's been three weeks now and I can not wait another week to see her.

"Cameron. I understand why you're going back to Black Moon pack but why am I needed?" Louis asked as we sat in my office.

"I want you to meet her." I stated simply before leaning back I my chair.

"Alright." He said nodding. "But I can only stay for a few days. My mother is getting sick."

"Of course." I nodded.

Louis stood to leave. "Well if that's all..."

Right as he was about to leave I remembered the night that teenage girl came to my door.

"Hey Louis." I said making him turn toward me.


"Do you have any siblings I don't know about?" I asked.

He looked surprised at my question.

"No. Why would you think that?" He replied.

"No reason. Just curious." I shrugged.

He nodded and left the room without another word.


So either Louis is lying or Camille is or neither of them are... I guess you'll just have to find out later. And surprise! Kaylin has a secret brother!!!!! Woohoo!!!! Anyway this is more of a filler chapter. Sorry it took so long lovelies and sorry it's not very long. Anyway love yall!


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