Victims Of Love

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I'd like to thank @TheLittlePeot for giving me my first vote. I appreciate it. Thanks! I hope you enjoy my writing because I know I don't. Thanks again!
Hugs and Kisses.
~Anthonie Hart
If you are hopeless.
Then so am I.
If you are sad.
So am I.
If you are scared.
So am I.
If you are depressed.
So am I.
Anything you are.
So am I.
You directly affect me.
You are my world.
Without you.
I am nothing.
I can't live without you.
You are like my oxygen.
You keep me alive.
But you don't need me.
I am not your world.
I am nothing to you.
I do not exist to you.
I am a no body.
But I still love you.
With all my heart.
I hope you will notice that.
But for now.
Good bye.
If you don't want me.
No one ever will.
I will relieve you of my burden.
I will leave you alone.
I will no longer exist.
But if you dare.
You can stop me.
You and only you.
Will you stop me?
Or will I fall another victim?
A victim of love?
Good bye for now.
Maybe later you will realize,
We could've had it all. 
Good bye, my love.

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