Lips and Nose Basics

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I'm just gonna start out by saying that lips and noses are not my strong suit, but I can do them. So can you!

When drawing a nose, you have to add shading or depth to it to give it the 3D shape.

Nose: So there aren't many steps to drawing a nose, if you don't want it ridiculously detailed. I am gonna work that tho.
1. Draw a line down from the top of the eye that the nose will be facing.
2. Then depending on how your face is positioned, draw two curves for the bumps of the nose and the nostrils? Whatever their called.
3. If the nose is turned up a bit, shade a little bit above the nose to add the look of height.


Lips: I love drawing and coloring lips. You can really add personality to a person through them.
1. Start by drawing the top half of the lips. It will curve in the middle as you can see up top. Just below your cupid's bow.
2. Draw the underside by doing a slow swoop. Thin or thick.
3. When drawing the line in the middle, you can leave a bit of space. It looks cuter and you can even add the shadows of teeth.
4. When coloring the lips, use a light pink. Start by giving pressure to the pencil and color a bit on the line. Then if you have a blender(you can find them at Michaels or any craft store. Then are rolled up paper that come in many different sizes.) Then taking your blender, push outwards to drag the color, making another shadow and ombré effect. If you do bot have blenders just draw lightly when you get to the edges of the lips.

I will try to put a better picture of lips up soon. Thanks for 50 reads!
Shoutout to kate_425 for encouraging me to continue. Thanks again!

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