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- Rules -

Failure to follow these rules will result in immediate expulsion from the competition. 

1. Participants must supply another form of inspiration for the next contestant. They may not neglect this duty. 

2. Participants may not choose a different sample of inspiration than the one supplied by the previous contestant. If you find the inspiration dissatisfying, wait until a participant has submitted a form of inspiration more befitting your tastes. 

3. Contestants cannot use their own form of inspiration as the basis for your story. This would disrupt the cycle. 

4. The form of inspiration may not be a R-rated story on this community. This competition is strictly PG-13 and below. 

5. Although participants are allowed to submit entries when a round is closed, participants are not allowed to submit inspiration. This will confuse the judges who moderate the story. Therefore, please refrain from doing so.

6. Participants may not spam this story. Your comments will be deleted immediately and you will be expelled from the competition.

7. Participants are allowed to "back out" of the competition and not complete the prompt, though they must inform one of the four judges before doing so.

8. Although there are no deadlines, participants may be subject to deadlines if the competition is found to be lagging. In this circumstance.

9. There is no prize to the competition; simply critiques on your work. Any participant found complaining will be expelled and his/her comments will be deleted.

10. Participants are not allowed to self-advertise on any of the TIP Books.

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