Avoiding WW3

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Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Here’s the new one, vote and comment bellow what you think!

Someone asked for a picture of Melody, so here's one >>>

“Hey Sutton, who’s at the doo-“

Mark stopped abruptly when he noticed who was standing outside the house. I peeked up at him just in time to see his face twist into a scowl.

“I was just stopping by to say sorry, but I’ll be going now,” Colton said calmly, but I could tell that he knew Mark wasn’t his biggest fan.

Colton turned around to leave but that would have been much too easy. “Apologize for what?” Mark asked swinging his arm over my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes and tried to scoot away from him. Colton swung back around, his face expressionless. “Oh, I brought up something I shouldn’t have, it was an accident, I thought I would let her know but now that she does, I’ll just-“

“What did you bring up?” he questioned.

All right, that was it. “Hey Mark, why don’t you mind your own business and get out of mine.”

I surprised myself as the words left my mouth, but I was glad to let him know how I felt. I was in no position to have to deal with an overly protective brotherly figure, especially one I never was supposed to have.

“Is this about you kissing her, because if-“

“I think you should listen to Sutton man,” Colton stated calmly, not taking his eyes from mine.

I gave him a small smile as if to tell him I were sorry, but I knew everything else was about to get worse. Mark’s body stiffened and he sighed.

“Well hey man, why don’t you come in and watch a movie with us,” he suggested, and I practically coughed up the non-existent water I was drinking.

“Yeah, Mark I think he’s busy and I know I have some homework to do and what not…”

 Colton looked a little nervous. “Yeah, I have stuff to do too, and I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“No, it’s totally fine, Sutton you don’t mind do you?” Mark asked, knowing that he couldn’t completely invite someone into my house without my permission.

Putting a fake smile on my face, I nodded. “Of course not.”

Colton turned around and peered at his motorcycle as if he knew there was no getting out of this. I was hoping with all my heart that he needed to be somewhere, or he would lie, but of course that wasn’t possible.

“I guess I have a little time on my hands,” Colton stated turning around and giving me a very small but hopeful smile.

Mark pulled the door open wider and Colton stepped inside. I shrugged Mark’s shoulder off my back and trudged into the kitchen, and then into the family room. I sat down in the middle of the couch, hoping that Colton would take the chair and Mark would sit next to me, but of course that didn’t happen.

They both squeezed in right next to me, their legs pressed against mine. Cringing at the awkward silence, I picked up the remote and when straight to the movie channels. “So what do you guys want to watch?” I said finally, flipping through some of the newer movies.

Colton shrugged. “Whatever works for you two?”

“How about something with action and explosives,” Mark said.

I decided on one of the mission impossible movies and quickly took out my phone to send Vee an SOS text. Both the guys were too interested in the movie to notice.

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