9.Bad Language Blurs

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The Avengers -and Vex- trudged through the snow. The cold bothered some but others didn't really seem to mind. The snow was deep though and it became harder to walk as they continued.

"When are we going to-"

"Stark, you're up," Steve announced, cutting Natasha off.

Everyone stopped and watched as Tony flew forward, blowing everyone's hair back. Steve turned to the rest of the team and pressed his earpiece.

"Look, does everyone know what the plan is?" He asked, looking at everyone.

"Kill everyone while Mr. Stark finds the scepter," Vex answered, a bright smile on her face.

"Alright then," Bruce murmured, looking at her with slight shock. "I thought I was the crazy."

"Bruce, go do your thing," Steve ordered, pointing to a large tree a long distance away.

Bruce sighed but made his way over to the tree. All of a sudden, an alarm sounded. The team looked at each other for a split second before they looked straight forward again.

"Natasha, stay with Clint," Steve commanded, strapping his helmet on and running off.

Clint pulled Natasha with him and they ran off together. Vex stood there, not knowing what to do.

Steve stopped while he was running and made a face. "Dammit," he muttered, turning around.

Vex, not being able to see Steve, let her purple magic hit him. He flew back a couple of feet and Vex gasped, running to his side.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She apologized, her small hands fumbling as she tried to help him. "I thought you were the enemy I couldn't see you! Why were you running?"

"You okay Cap?" Clint asked through the earpiece.

Steve nodded even though Clint couldn't see him. "I'm fine Barton," he reassured him.

Vex furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Who are you talking to?" She asked.

Steve sighed, not noticing that Vex was straddling him at the moment. He pulled an earpiece out of his pocket and reached for her ear.

Instinctively, Vex moved away. Steve grabbed her arm and showed her the earpiece. "It's an earpiece, that's how we all communicate with each other," he explained quickly.

Vex nodded and let him put the earpiece in. She stood up and helped him, looking around.

"They're coming your way!" Stark announced, pulling everyone out of their daze.

As if on cue, a bunch of men appeared out of nowhere. Some were on foot, some were on motorcycles, and some were in jeeps. There were even men in tanks.

"You ready?" Steve asked, looking down at Vex.

"Oh we were born ready!" Stark yelled.

"I wasn't talking to you," Steve muttered, rolling his eyes. He gripped his shield a bit harder and sent Vex one final glance before he ran forward.

Sucking in a deep breath, Vex closed her eyes. "You're doing this to help people," she told herself, repeating the sentence over and over out loud.

"Vex, you've got like twenty men surrounding you!" Steve shouted. "I'd hate to be the one to say this but stop praying!"

"I'm not praying," she said, her voice completely calm as she kept her eyes closed.

The men surrounding her came even closer and Steve looked on with wide eyes as he tried to take down the men coming after him.

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