Chapter Three

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Anticipating his appointment with Sir George with great trepidation, Lord Markham frantically paced his father's library. That morning, he had awoken in such high spirits; he thought he might have dreamt the entire business with Sir George and Miss Fulham. However, as soon as he opened The Gazette, his hopes were dashed.  

Usually, he did not even bother reading the Society pages, as he really did not care a fig whether Lord and Lady Farleigh's rout was a sad crush or not. Or, whether Lord Brentwood and Miss Pemberton were found in a compromising position in their hosts' dimly lit garden. It was not these announcements that caught his attention.  

Without even consulting either Lord Ashington or Lord Markham, Sir George had placed an announcement in the paper, informing the whole of the ton of the impending nuptials between Peter Edward William Kendrick, Viscount Markham, heir to the Earl of Ashington and Miss Sophie Louisa Fulham, ward of Sir George Fulham. His initial fury at the temerity of Sir George was tempered somewhat by a glaring omission. Why was Miss Fulham's father not mentioned in the announcement? Sir George may be her uncle and guardian, but surely, Sir Charles rated a mention. In fact, there was no indication at all, apart from the shared surname, of any familial ties at all. That revelation bothered him the most.  

He had then decided on a visit to White's, which proved a deuced addlepated thing for him to do. As soon as he stepped through the door - not even having time to divest himself of his hat and greatcoat - he was overcome with congratulations for his betrothal. Complete with backslapping and hand pumping so vigorous, he thought his shoulder might dislocate. Constant questions flew at him, most of which were who she was and how they had met. One apparent fact that was made glaringly obvious was that no one appeared to know Miss Sophie Fulham even existed. 

So overwhelmed was he under the deluge that it had taken every ounce of his considerable self-control not to turn tail and run. Instead, he repeated the story Lady Rutherford had devised, hoping he had revealed sufficient information not to arouse their suspicions. It seemed to have worked, because no one questioned his recital, or made the connection between his father's gambling debts and his sudden interest in marriage with the man's niece. 

He left White's soon after and headed directly for Ashington House, his head pounding unmercifully in tandem with the horses hooves on the cobblestones.  

The headache had not dissipated as he now continued to pace before the marble mantelpiece, his father watching bemused from behind his desk. The other occupant in the room was Mr Wentworth, a solicitor Lord Ashington and Lord Markham shared. He ignored them both and wrote hastily on a piece of parchment.  

Mr Wentworth finished writing and cleared his throat. "I believe I have devised a suitable marriage settlement," he said, his voice a rich baritone that contradicted his diminutive stature. Leaning forward, he handed Lord Ashington the piece of paper, then settled back into this chair. 

Lord Ashington carefully read the single page, and then looked up in obvious surprise. "This jointure for Miss Fulham shall barely cover a cottage in the country. Surely, we can increase it?" he said, placing the paper on the desk. 

"You are my employer, my lord. My only purpose is to act in your best interests. Besides, this is only a starting point, during the negotiations you should be able to come to an agreement that will satisfy everyone," Mr Wentworth replied. 

Lord Markham stopped pacing and sank down into a wing back chair, crossing his legs and linking his hands around his knees. "I was wondering, Mr Wentworth. What do you know about the Fulham family?"  

"I am acquainted with the late Sir Charles Fulham's man of business. Unfortunately, Sir George did not see fit to retain his services when he acceded to the title. I can make some discreet inquiries if you would like?" Mr Wentworth said. 

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